Artsy things of some sort...

Oct 03, 2005 17:06


The wall of one of the daughters of my moms friend to be exact. What did I paint? A figure from Diddle. A bear, I don't know the name. They've mentioned it more than once, but me and names? Yeah.

Anyway, pictures.

First step, pencil sketch:

Step two, color:

Step three, lines:

Not bad for a fist time, ne? Took me about 4 and a half, 5 hours to finish. By the time I was done, my back and knees where aching. But the girl I made if for was very happy, and on top of that, it urned me a little money. Not bad to spend your saturday. *nods*


ETA: The name of the bear is Pimboli. Thanks eledhwenlin. :3


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