postcards and CSI

Sep 23, 2005 21:28

More postcards! From babyalyx96 and nekosmuse. *loves* :D


I'm going to keep this short.

* The team's back together. Yey!
* New nifty intro. What, no Hodges?
* Cath's lips... Uh, yeah.
* Warrick's married. Not sure what to think about that. Cath's clearly pissed off.
* Greg's looking mighty fine. I'm glad his hair's not so blond anymore.
* Gotta love Brass. "Wouldn't even make my top ten." *pats Teh Brass*
* Sophia's still there, but she's a detective now. Okay.
* Nick and the bra? Hilarious. I've never seen a man so disgusted. To quote geekwriter143: 'Because Nick is very, very gay and bras scare him.' XD
* Nick freaking out about the bug crawling on his arm. Poor woobie. (but it was a big ass bug. I would probably feak out too. O.o)
* Flying car. Heh.
* Human soup. Uh, yey?
* Gotta love Grissom. Car condom? XD
* Greg yanking out the drain plug in the trunk and getting human remains in his mouth and face in the process? Ew, ew, ew!!eleven!1!! *hurls*

Sara: "Technically, that makes you a cannibal." *gets him some paper towels to wipe his face* "Grissom would be proud."
Greg: "Grissom would have tasted it on purpose."


* Student becomes the master? XD
* Hodges: "Was it something I said?"
Sara: "Probably."

XD Yey! Greg knew something they didn't. His awesome music knowledge came in handy. :'3

* An accomplice? Hmm... and I still haven't seen Grave Danger yet. *pouts*

Okay, that was totally random. :P


csi, postcard_exchange

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