*Insert witty text here*

Aug 18, 2005 00:11

So... my family is coming back from vacation tomorrow. And I've kinda got mixed feelings about it. For the most, I'm happy to see them again. They've been away for three weeks, but it feels like it's been shorter. Very weird.
On the other side, it's been nice to be able to do what I want, when I want to do it. And this may sound stupid, but I'm going to the 24hr computer/internet access the most. Really, having to share a computer with three other people sucks big time. I've been wanting a laptop for some time now, but I don't have the money. :(

Hee... saw a hedgehog last night, pottering around in our front garden, hunting for snails. ^__^

And I've been watching one of my Dalziel and Pascoe tapes today, 'Childs Play'. Haven't been able to finish the book yet, but I wanted to refresh my memory on the episode. The episode is based on the book, and I want to know what they changed. :P

I think this one is one of my favorites. And that it deals with Wield's homosexuality, and that it has a kissing scene has nothing to do with it, I swear. *looks innocent*

I want to start of with stating that the new DCC Raymond is a freaky, freaky man. The way he was standing there, washing his hands with that freaky serene smile on his face... *shudders* And when he started waving around with the bible and talking about good and evil... yeah. Loved Dalziels face, by the way.

Heh, I've always had a soft spot for Wield. In the books he's described as being very ugly, but in the series he isn't that bad. Very stoic, so it's nice to see him express some emotions at last. Angry Wieldy is slightly scary though.

When they found the body in the car on the police-carpark. Dalziel's 'Delivery service' comment cracked me up big time. XD

And then we have DCC Raymond out to get some gay blood (again, freaky man). I think Dalziel handled that very good. Love the comment he makes after Raymond asks him if he knows who's the homosexual on his team... "Give us a kiss and I tell you." XD What the man does to protect his man. But more about that later. :'3

And then the kiss... Ohh yeah, Wield being all gentle and caring, reaching out to hug Cliff. And then they look up and you just know it's going to happen. XD Lovely. A little sad though when you know how things end, but anyway...

And then Wield finally finds enough courage to come out to Dalziel. (he was still very much in the closet, but who could blame him, working on the force?) Heh, and then it turns out Dalziel already knew. I can imagine that pissed off Wield. The argument between them was very intense, and some harsh words where spoken. And then Pascoe, the sweet innocent thing. Barging in in the middle of the conversation, and he's totally not getting it. He looks totally flabbergasted as Wield storms out of the room.

Turns out he didn't have a clue, and he feels guilty. I guess he's feeling like he's not been a very good friend. Liked the piece where he went and visited Wield at his house.

But I think the best part is the last scene. The case is wrapped up, and everything is good.


DCC Raymond still doesn't know who the gay copper is. So when Dalziel comes into his office to report on the ending of the case, he carefully asks if Dalziel knows more about 'the matter'. And I love Dalziel for what he does next. Normally Dalziel is a rude and sometimes insensitive man, and you really have to know him a bit to see through him. But now, he turns all 'soft', and turns to the DCC, going all 'this is very hard for me... Deep down, I'm a sensitive man' and goes to stand really close to the DCC, who you can see silently freaking out.

And then there's a knock on the door, and who barges in? Yup, there we have Pascoe again (bless him), informing Dalziel of a little matter. Dalziel turns to Pascoe, walks up to him, and the following conversation takes place:

Dalziel:"You've been dyeing your hair?"
Pascoe: (very confused) "Sir?"
Dalziel: (stands close, reaching out for Pascoes hair)"Maybe it's the sun. It bleached it a bit. Suits you though."

Then he turns back to the DCC, walks over, takes one of his hand and uses his thumb to sort of... stroke the DCC's hand (*shudder*) and goes on 'Thank you for being so kind and understanding.'
Then he turns back to Pascoe and you can see the expression on his face change, signaling to Pascoe to leave the room. They leave behind a shocked DCC.
When leaving the room, I guess Pascoe has caught on on what's going on, cause he's grinning. Dalziel closes the door, then leans in to whisper something into Pascoe's ear.
Back inside, the DCC shakes off his shock, moves to the door and janks it open, just in time to see Dalziel and Pascoe jerk away from each other in surprise. Then they turn back to each other and just burst out laughing, cause they know what the DCC is thinking.

Just... *draws hearts around episode*

family, dalziel and pascoe, vacation, animals

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