
Aug 08, 2005 02:12

The weather is really, really pissing me off. Today was another of those rain-sun-rain-sun-etc. days. It's just not funny anymore. It's supposed to be summer! I'm not going on vacation, but I kinda hoped I could go out, and go to the beach, or take my bike and go off for a few hours. But driving through the rain is not so much fun, so yeah...

After working my ass off this morning (On the weekends the hospital only gets cleaned in the morning. So when your colleague of the day before hasn't cleaned to well, you're left with double the work the next day. Day old blood-stains, yey! >__>;) I entertained myself by dragging down my sisters game consoles and playing Kingdom Hearts, GTA3, Zelda OoT and Mario Cart.

I also finished reading my Gravitation 4 manga. Hysterical and insane. *loves* :"3

Also? MythBusters rules. *draws hearts around Adam and Jamie* Poor Buster is busted. XD

games, vacation, work, manga

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