(no subject)

Aug 27, 2009 17:08

Well ain't this the poo!

When I brought Ben home last night he was a NIGHTMARE! I took him to school and was telling the daycare worker that he was a nightmare and asked if some kids were having meltdowns that he was watching and learning from. I noticed he was coughing this morning I also mentioned that in passing. She suggested that he might be getting sick and said "well, we have a couple of teachers out with the swine flu so we're going to keep an eye on him today" and I said "ok" -- thinking nothing of it.

At about 9:45 I get a call from this lady and she tells me that he's showing signs of the flu and needs to go home because they've had swine flu at the school and they're usually highly contagious during the first of it. So I tell everyone at work - cuz I might be out for a week!

I get him home and he's bouncing off the walls hyper. Hyper hyper happy hyper. I'm like these people are crazy! Then I started feeling ill - really wierd so I fell asleep while he stayed awake. It was one of those bad parenting moments but it took over me! I feel better now. Not to mention two days ago I started having a running nose and then I caught a sore throat this morning but didn't think much of it.

He turned into a nightmare about an hour ago but he fell asleep - thank goodness!

Oh anywho, so about an hour ago I'm on twitter and my local newspaper posted a tweet about a local school having a possible swine flu out break. I go read it. Sure enough it's Ben's school. I read the comments on the page - there's some speculation that a DAYCARE worker died of it THIS MORNING. Then 15 minutes ago the newspaper and his school sent out a letter about the death!

I'm. Bleaching. Everything!
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