Today my baby officially became a kindergartener. Today was hectic - new - strange - serreal - stressful - satisfying. Uh what other descriptions can I come up with? It was strangely enough all of those!
I overpacked his lunch. His big ol backpack was about 8lbs. He was a trooper though. He carried it. He was happy and just so well adjusted that he fits right in to any situation. I have a feeling the next few weeks may be rough with his excitement level to go but he's 4. Give him a break!
The school has a daycare on site so that's where he goes. I asked my boss if I could work new hours so I get off work at 430. Which was strange! Felt really guilty leaving at 430 today even though I worked my 8 hours!
Back to Ben. I took to the daycare. He's in the PM class so at 1145 I went back so I could "walk" him to class. Take pics, you know the deal. I forgot the supplies we spent all weekend hunting down. *we supply dry erase markers and cleaning supplies here in California, apparently*
He yawned just before class started. He has woken up waay earlier then he normally does/did, cuz he was excited! By the time I got to him at 436 he was soo tired. He fell asleep in the car. I took him to Chuck e cheese to celebrate *to keep him awake* we played games and ate dinner.
Then we came home and he konked out.
Work! I've been begging for more work and I sure do have it! I had to make a list today because I have so much to do. I LOVE it. Honestly though, its kind of stressing me out at home too. I actually rarely think about work outside of work but recently its been another story. Just reviewing what I did and forgot to do.
I love that job though. So happy there. Wish Nacho wasn't coming back here soon. Wish he would go active duty. Thatd be my dream.
Anywho. May have some excellent news tomorrow to share. We shall see! Wish me luck!
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