
Jul 21, 2010 22:41

I self diagnosed myself with Psoriasis. It's horrendous and completely consuming my mental sanity. I feel depressed and so *over* everything.
I'm pretty sure the psoriasis was triggered on my birthday (6/27) at my friend's house with all of the mosquitoes buzzing around. I kept scratching myself and felt vulnerable. It didn't EXPLODE til a few days ago though. I've been obsessing and consumed about it since.

Quick info:
- It is heriditary and non-contagious
- caused by a "trigger" - can be bug bite, skin injury, allergy, stress, etc
- I have "plaque" psoriasis which covers certain areas of the body... like plaques
- severity determined by how much of body it covers.. currently its on my knees and elbows and spreading
- normal skin sheds over course of month or so.. psoriasis makes it happen in course of couple days which results in scaly appearance
- it is an auto-immune disorder which means immune system is over-reacting to the trigger.. and my body is attacking itself

After some reading it seems like each case of psoriasis is really unique to that individual. Someone can be triggered by the formaldehyde in their carpet (story here), milk, gluten (associated with celiac disease, another auto-immune disorder), etc

What's weird is that my joints are *warm*... I think its because they're inflamed. So i've changed my diet and I am now gluten-free and i'm going to start cutting back on my dairy intake- just in case. I'm scheduling a dermatologist appointment soon- but i'm really looking for a long term solution rather than just trying to take care of only the itchiness. I want this to NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.

I can recall several instances throughout my life now that I know I had breakouts.
8/9 years old- my head. I thought it was flakes and got really freaked out about it.
14- upper thighs. I thought it was because of shaving
16- fingernails. I thought I had some horrible fungus disease and was so mortified I pretended like I just didn't have it
24- NOW. my elbows and knees.

Oh and I think I might have a food allergy also because my poop is so strange.. it was a type 6 a couple times, although today was a little better... type 6 = fluffy with ragged edges (WEIRD i know).. more about types of poop here --> Bristol Stool Chart

Last but not least, images of my affliction

Seriously, DEPRESSED.


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