My ribs!!!

Mar 18, 2009 15:55

My body is crapping out on me!! Yesterday I had the most awful lower back pain on my left side, and at night I developed a rib cage pain on my right side. It started out feeling like an air bubble or a side pain, but higher up- in the middle of my ribs below my boobs.
I went to bed sleeping on my right side because it hurt too much to put pressure on my left side (my lower back). I ended up tossing and turning all night- woke up about 4 times because my ribs were killing me as well.

Now my left side is better but my ribs still hurt! It seems like it's a common body ache for pregnancy. My muscles ligaments and tendons are stretching apart to accommodate my expanding uterus pushing all of my internal organs up into my ribs. So my ribs are expanding as well.

It feels like my ribs are broken. No exaggeration- I sometimes have pain just breathing.

So, this is what my body looked like pre-pregnancy.... notice how nice and stretched out all the organs are. Aah, so much room to breathe and exist!

and this is my body now. Notice the diaphram is pushed into lungs (harder to breathe), my stomach is pushed higher up (heart burn), all my intestines are squashed (constipation), and how squished my bladder is (frequent bathroom trips). All the abdominal organs are being packed into the rib cage...

Look how super stretchy my uterus is though! Amazing! The uterus is so incredible. All the muscles in the uterus work to push the baby out. It actually thins out around the sides of the baby, collects at the top (where baby's butt is now), and starts these involuntary pushes to move the baby out.
Some women have to force themselves to push, but it often happens naturally and involuntarily. It feels like throwing up, expect downwards. People often make grunting noises when they get it. One story I read from a dad said it resembles sounds the Loch Ness monster would make if it here being harpooned.

5 more weeks till I can give birth!!!

Check out this really scary unrelated image I found while searching for uterus' :

No thank you, mister.
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