Exams suck ass and other ramblings...

Sep 10, 2008 16:03


I am kicking myself in the ass for decisions I made more than a decade ago.

Foremost in my mind is not finishing school while I was young and invincible.

This whole raising kids, keeping house (yeah yeah, its a wreck right now), going to school full time and working on bookkeeping jobs is making me feel kinda old.

I spent most of the morning struggling with studying for a massive accounting exam I have tomorrow on corporations, stock issues and dealing with learning every possible scenario even though many rarely (never) come up in 99% of businesses.  I'm pretty familiar with some of the most common stock transactions from previous accounting jobs and working for a financial adviser for two years, but some of it is out of the blue.  Part of me is very hard-headed, and I hate having to memorize crap that I know is past-history and will likely be of no use to me in the future.  Like Calculus.  lol  For the class we are required to use this pain-in-the-asset "Homework Manager" program which decided arbitrarily to not let me sign-on today of all days.  Calls and emails to tech support have gotten me nowhere so far.  Oh well.

M rescued me from the serious temptation earlier to throw my laptop through the window by taking me to the gym.  Nothing like some self-inflicted torture to distract me from life.  I started a diet on Monday with the intention of losing at least 20lbs by Christmas.  Thats only about a pound a week, so should be do-able as long as I dont sabotage myself... which I am very good at doing looking at past history.  I really enjoy hanging out with M, even things like going to the gym are fun and entertaining with her.  I spend 99% of my life surrounded by testosterone, its really nice to hang out with the estrogen crowd whenever possible.

Boys are done with their homework, gotta get back to it... think I'll go ahead and walk the kids and puppy to the park after w's tutor is done.  The more walking the better I suppose...
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