1 other Meme (l)

May 11, 2009 10:53

By saving_catwalk ♥♥

1 ♦ Comment to this and i'll give you three people.
2 ♦ Post this meme with your answers.
3 ♦ Provide pictures and the name of three people.
4 ♦ Label which you would marry, shag, and throw a cliff.

She gave me Daniel Craig, Jeffrey Donovan, et Jon Hamm. She's a naughty girl :p


Geez, Jeff is really cute. But he's always too busy. :p I'd rather be an occasionaly lover than a lovely waiting wife :). He'd understand :)


Why would I marry Jon Don Draper Hamm? Because whoever he's sleeping around with, he always comes back to his wife, he loves her more than his own life, she might be a total bitch, he still loves her. You can't do anything against that. & That's why I'd choose to marry Jon. ♥


Oh Daniel I'm sorry, but you hated Eva at the end. Well for a little while, but still :p Any Kidding I got two other man up there, three is too much to handle (a). I still like you a lot :p

hot males, meme

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