May 07, 2006 10:55
I have had an amazing series of days
Jacksonville for one day, St. Augustine for two and then I kidnapped David and took him to Titusville for our 2nd monthaversary today (and spent last night at Keith's hanging out)
St. Augustine is so wonderful. It's enough to make me permanently jealous of those who live there.
But I would NEVER get anything done.
I missed you Amy, Lyndsey, and Tony
I helped Corey buy a squeeze-box and watched Raley buy a Mandalin
I fucking saw Brian Fox too, that was so random
It makes getting a job so much harder, but my bank account is growing thin
Jesus it's May 7th... I need a bloody job
I got my grades in: All A's - God I almost cried out in glee
That semester was a bitch
Now I need to relearn Statistics for Fall
Summer is shaping up to be out of control amazing
Going to see Grammy today ^_^