Proposed Parameters

Jul 15, 2012 21:50

I have gathered some proposed parameters for this community from various messages.  This should be useful for filling in the community profile page.

Community creator: thesilentpoet
Moderator/maintainers: marina_bonomi, ysabetwordsmith
The Silk Road Allies archive

silkroadallies is currently a free account.  The plan is to upgrade it to a paid account as donations arrive.

People may apply to join the community, but new members must be approved by the moderators.

All members may post.

Journal standard makes posts public.

The following things count as "on topic" for silkroadallies:

* Discussions of community function and activities.

* Posts about interesting writers, artists, or other folks who might make a good fit for this community.

* Drafts of new poetry, fiction, artwork, or other material in The Silk Road Allies setting.

* Discussions of previously published items; for instance, comparing two poems, linking a story and a painting, or analyzing a story.

* Links to or excerpts from articles about Chinese or Italian culture, history, or other directly relevant tidbits that might inspire our contributors.

* Links to outside resources in general, for instance the interactive atlas of the Roman empire, images of period clothing and so on.

* Announcements of news that is or could be related to our material; for example, the acceptance of a Silk Road Allies poem to a magazine, or an award for which some of our literature might be eligible if we nominate it.

Blogspace and Civility:

Members and visitors in this community are expected to behave like decent human beings. Please respect each other's opinions, because taste in art and writing and music vary widely.  If you don't like something, just keep going until you find something you do like; don't stop and pester the provider or the audience. If you hurt someone's feelings, it's polite to apologize. Don't act like a jerk. Leaven criticism with praise. Speak the truth gently if possible, firmly if necessary. Have fun!

When you first join this community, please make an introductory post telling folks who you are and what you do.  Are you a creative person, a donor, a fan, or some combination?  What kind of things do you create?  What kind do you like to read or view? Why do you like alternate history?

community, meta

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