
May 18, 2016 21:52

Al received a series of about 20 texts from an excited Kate at 9:15 in the morning.  But he did not notice them until much later, so we did not find out what she was texting about until she got home.

This morning at 0 period Wind Ensemble rehearsal, there was a visitor in class - the concert band director from UNR.  Our director pointed out Kate to him, as a student who is going to UNR in the fall and planning to join the marching band (if she ever gets around to doing her audition recording).  He asked if she was interested in concert band as well, and she said that she was, so he was happy about that.

After they played, he came over and told her that he was listening to her (picking out her 1st trombone part) while she was playing and that he could hear her and she was quite good and asked what she was majoring in.  Kate said that she was undecided.  He said that there were no guarantees, but she could possibly get into the Wind Ensemble (the higher level concert band) at UNR!  The Wind Ensemble is 80% music majors and 20% non-music majors.  The lower level band is 80% non-music majors and 20% music majors.  Kate was really excited that he thought she was good enough to possibly get into the Wind Ensemble in her freshman year.  Happy, excited Kitty Cat!

Poor Josh got a 100 % on his math test, but Kate bubbled all over his news when he tried to explain it to us.  :(  But yay little Math Duckling!

The afternoon was hectic.  They both had orchestra rehearsal from 4:30-6:30.  Josh snuck out early to get to Concert Band warm up at 6:30.  The high school choir/jazz choir/Concert Band concert was at 7 pm.  Kate slid into the audience to watch shortly after the started (she stayed the entire time at orchestra rehearsal).  The choir and jazz choir have a new director this year, and they (and she) are amazing!  The Concert Band did quite well, too.  We also watched our drumline Solo winners performe their winning solos.

After the concert I chatted with several parents who won't be here next year (kids either Seniors graduating or younger kids not continuing in band).  Sniff!

Busy busy week.  Kate's Wind Ensemble concert tomorrow night.
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