Mar 24, 2004 00:46
THe 18 year old physiology is a pattern of behaviour very identifiable through fashion choices (ideal self and self actualized image); behaviour; social moors; attitudes towards drinking, club scenes and fun; and work ethic. Ok, we are not talking about the 18 year olds anymore, again. Sorry to all disappointed viewers, but this precovered ground. You are highly invited to come back later as in all probability I will be coming back to this subject later.
How Stu's life is interesting and how it amuses him. You see, adolescent hyscology class, which he actually started attending, listening to and started to think. His mind suddenly connected quite clearly and he understood completely. His life was a much more interesting examplke than the one she was giving. At which point he went back into his tangent of how much a better professer he would be than here....which is completely irrelevant. Neither here nor there. He began to realixe that for the case study that instead of writing about tone of the characters from one of the books he decided to write a case study of that later on she could use these as examples instead of the boring other things and so that students would actually clue in on what it was about. .... break .... Upon reflection of his life, he realized he has lived rather an extrodinary life and that he has enjoyed it, and what other ppl might not call it a good place, he's quite happy being there. Along the way, he's done some pretty funky shit and other ppl seem to enjoy his stories...whether they truely do or just humour me doestn't really matter...they do derive some sort of enjoyment from them. So he's going to do that for his teadcher and also it will be the basis for a movie script or book.
When Stu was 22 or 23, a year or so ago, it doesn't seem hat long, but subjuective memory; someone told him that his indecision about his careeer goal and life path shouold be guided by not what can i do, but what do i do? And more importantly, what do you like to do? WHich is fairly standard of advice, but he then mentioned that he should write a book as a good start as where you would like to go. And he just loooked at him stunned, and he said, you've read most of the books and can review and know most of know what's works, what doesn' they flow. And Stu said, "Yeah, but dude, I like to read books, I'm good at reading them, I'mn good at liking them, but I can't write worth shit. I have tried before, and had this really great submarine story going before..I'd written about 4 or 5 chapters into it, and I could tell it would be a good full-blown story idea. But it wasn't just a compilation of Tom Clancy, 20 Thousand Leagues, and THe Abyss. Completely devoid of originality, say for descriptive passages of background and the stunning lack of clarity or depth, realism, or trueism in the dialogue that passed between the characters. There was nothing new to it." And he looked back at Stu and said, "Write what you know." He's going to wrap this up shortly. The direction his book is going to take is a rough look at me telling my story but for movie/story sake, it couldn't be him, cuz his life's not that good, but he could take certain situations that he has ben in and make them ultra real. I don't want toi make them comitic, over the top, romantic, heroic, or any of the big superstar feelings of most hollywood stories. Rather, much in the styles of Van Wylder, Quinton Terantino, Jack Black, Bruce Campbell, not so much a director or produce, but he did influence the works highly, whoever wrote "Fast Times at Ridgemont High' and 'John Cussak' with the detail, the manner and the direction they give to their stories they give through their filming...stories are fairly <--not sure of right word--> oh, and Kevin Smith. The sense that they are not extrodinary, this stuff could and does happen sort of, it is more the manner that the story is told that makes them as great as they are. Many would argue that the story is this manner., you can only tell the story by implying the manner...thought dismissed. Situations that he has been in have been described and souped up a bit, then condensed into one little story to make it into a nice little movie. Gets the girl, the car...story advanced, character grows, no stagnent point - what happens in the end is the same as in the beginning. The character develops somehow. The story that Stu would tell would kind of be his major incidents...all based upon him. Difficulty that he is faced with right now is writing the way he wants it to be described, the descrtiptive characters of Anne Rice, Tom Clancy, the writing style of Robert Rankin or Terry Prachet, all rolled into one, would make a really long and sharply alteratingly amusing and intriguing with just dull descrition that paints such a vivid picture that it would be just a brutal read. So he thinks he might write it as a book in script style...he thinks it could of worked, that people would be amused and that he would have fun doing it. And now, he's published. It might only be in Sam's livejouornal, but at least it shows that someone is interested in what he is saying. From the first moment he decided to write the case study on himself, to the time he first got published, has been about 280 hours. He thinks his interest as a writer in his first two weeks is doing ok. It's neat how the inter-twining aspects of his life are entangling themselves, becuase it's neat to start and end a point like that. It shows how you got there. He told you he was going to get here, and look, we're here! Thanks for writing Stu's thoughts...oh, that's to me...and who knows, maybe in ten years, I'm going to get royalties off this site. Will people in 500 years still remember Stu, or will they even know what he's talking about...does this even make sense to anyone who hasn't smoked weed? Good night.
So tell me, is Stu fucked in the head, or is he uber cool? Extreme wickedness. Let's get a vote going, not that I know how to do it, but meh, just let me know your thoughts.