So after a pretty busy few days I got some time to myself and walked down to Lonsdale Quay where I proceeded to sketch some of the locals. I've been drawing more lately but the results have been somewhat frustrating. Time to get back into life drawing. Luckily I've found a drop in life drawing session just a few blocks down from me that happens every Monday evening. Maybe I'll check it out tomorrow. It would mean missing 24 but honestly this season hasn't been that great so it might be worth the sacrifice. So I was just sitting out on the patio at the Quay when my wife Kelly decides to come down for a surprise visit (she was pretty glued to her computer when I left). She got some food and then we went into the market where I picked up a new swimsuit for our trip to Mexico. This vacation (which happens in a week) is going to be awesome. Neither one of us has been down there so we're both a little nervous but still excited. I just want to sit on the beach and drink copious amounts of alcohol. After getting my swimsuit we went to the fish vendor to get Kelly a couple of crab legs. That's when I saw this beasty apparently sucking the life out of some sort of big fish underneath it (tuna, cod?) I seriously wanted to poke it but thought better of it.