May 21, 2007 11:39
I start my new contract tomorrow, it will be my fist professional 3D job and I'm really nervous about it. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't the only 3D guy on the show (perhaps in the studio even) so if anything screws up it's really really bad. I guess I'll have MSN so if I run into problems with Maya there are people I can ask and there's always forums and stuff. I've been spending this past week getting back up to speed with the software and for the most part what I took in school is coming back to me. I know I'm going to be pretty slow starting off and the production is on a tight schedule (aren't they all?) I have a feeling I'll be working more at this job than any other which sucks for someone like me who hates working past five; I just hope I don't get burnt out. At least it's only for 20 weeks and at the end of it if I manage to pull it off (and not get fired) I'll have a pretty nice body of work to shop around with. Might finally get into the gaming sector.
Went over to Floru's last night where we watched Blood Diamond. It was a pretty good movie though it makes me a little queasy that people who are so well off (actors) are portraying people who have it so bad in real life. I mean I know that's what acting and movies are all about but it's something I've been noticing. It was great seeing Floru again, he really is a nice guy and a true friend. He also gave me something I've desperately needed for a while now.
Really enjoying the Halo 3 beta. My 360 was packed away in it's box but I decided to pull it out and pick up a copy of Crackdown the day the beta started. I think even though the graphics on Halo 3 don't look as good as Gears of War it still looks (and plays) awesome and the level design kicks ass. The boys at Bungie certainly know what they're doing. Crackdown is also a very good game and would have been worth getting even without the beta invite. It was also good to touch base with some people I tend to only see on Xbox Live. Microsoft has really done a good job at providing the tools to cultivate community with their system.
video games,