Title: A Dreaming Star
Pairing: Kyumin
Summary: Kyuhyun is a star
Genre: angst? I’m not sure, I’m really bad at genres Rating: pg
Word count: 700
A/N: I was in an allegorical mood. I don't know what else to say :|
Kyuhyun was floating amidst the stars.
He hadn’t been sure at first, but now it was clear to him.
Below him, above him, surrounding him
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"He hadn’t been sure at first, but now it was clear to him." <- he has been rising as a trainee and seen the people around him as other people. But as their fame has increased, he stopped seeing them as people and more like idols. "yet all seemed distant to him." <- how he doesn't relate to these people anymore, because they are more like "stars" than human to him.. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, it's almost 4AM here XD
Thank you for liking it >w< I'm sorry if my mind is a bit difficult to understand T_T
I read somewhere that if you wish upon a star, you're actually wishing upon a dead sun. That's where I got from that the stars you see shooting are actually stars that are going to die (though they are already dead when you manage to see them from earth, apparently D:)
and akjsdkjsflkdglkesklgfkjds you called my story unique! *dancing a dance of celebration 8D*
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