"I never thought I'd meet a zombie like you"

Oct 24, 2013 19:25

I wrote this last week and then forgot to post it. So, keep that in mind.

On Monday (10/14), we had the meeting that, I believe, would officially close the project I was hired for. It’s a little weird to know that it’s almost gone. I mean, we’ve still got some decisions to make on some of the data we collected and they may decide they want us to work on some other stuff that they’d canceled earlier.

Our new project is stalled for a little but we should be getting a direction to investigate soon.

Work has been a little slow.

Actually the most exciting thing was discovering that a virus had somehow gotten into some of the instruments in the lab. Some of the CPUs are so old they can’t run the virus scanner disk we had so we had to pull all the hard drives out of the machines and send them to IT for scanning. Whee!

My weekend was more exciting though! This past weekend was the Zombie Pub Crawl so me and some friends dressed up and went. It was fun. I wore my Alice costume and did some zombie makeup on myself.

It was kind of cool actually. I thought I’d just go ahead and draw some veins on my face. I looked up some stuff online for that and man, people really get into their vein-drawing how-tos. There was all kinds of stuff about the colors and the blending and stuff like that. Which was neat but way more involved than I really wanted to get. So on Saturday I went to Walgreens and spent some time looking at makeup. Which again, is so much more involved than I really want. I just wanted some plain, pale foundation and some blue eyeliner. I spent like 15 minutes trying to find these things. Well, I also wanted them to be on the cheap side, so that made it harder. I’m not paying $15 for fancy-pants foundation when I’m really only going to wear it once. Strangely, I don’t think the foundation is as light as I wanted it to be so maybe I’ll wear it again.

Also I hadn’t had my coffee yet because I stopped at Caribou for a cup of coffee, paid for it, and walked out again. Notice I didn’t say I picked up the coffee I bought. I realized I’d left it there when I was already most of the way to the Walgreens. I was just thinking so hard about the things I needed to do before the pub crawl…

Anyway, I ended up getting some foundation and some black liquid eyeliner at Walgreens. I’d never tried liquid eyeliner before and was kind of curious, so that one was worth paying a little more.

Then I went back to Caribou to get some coffee.

A couple more errands and I was finally home! After eating lunch, I got started.

I cleaned my face and then put the foundation on and some powder to set it. Then I was looking in a drawer and found this greenish-tinted foundation I bought a long time ago. It’s for neutralizing red areas of your face. So I put that on top of the foundation. It was pretty subtle but I could see a little bit of a tint there. More powder!

Then I took out the liquid eyeliner and just drew some stuff on my face. I put more powder on top of that. Then some grey/black eye shadow on the cheeks to try to give my face a slightly hollowed look and then some blue eye shadow all around my eyes. And a slight dusting of green eye shadow around my face. I put on some bright red lipstick and then just smeared that all around my mouth.

I teased my hair a bit. It was a little frizzy and messy looking. I could have done more but I didn’t really want to do too much to my hair. It already seems to be mad at me most of the time.

Then I put on my costume, met up with my friends, and we took the bus to downtown. I don’t think I’ve been on the bus in costume in a long time. There were some early teenage girls who seemed to get a kick out of the whole thing though at first they were really confused since, duh, it’s not Halloween yet.

The main downtown area was a little boring but I wanted to see Flock of Seagulls because, seriously, that band is still touring? We were a little early for the show and I didn’t want to ride the ferris wheel until after dark so we went to one of the nearby pubs and had a drink or two. When we got back we investigated the food truck area and then went to wait in line for the ferris wheel while listening to the Flock Of Seagulls show. I don’t know if it was the same band members as it was in the 80s but they did play the only song of theirs that I know, “I Ran (so far away)”, and they changed the lyric to “I never thought I’d meet a zombie like you.” Heh.

They only had a half hour set. I think it was over by the time we got off the ferris wheel. Then we left and went up to the Seven Corners area of Minneapolis.

That was a lot more fun. There’s a few bars there in close proximity to each other and there are shot girls circulating in costume with themed drinks (no gel eyeballs this year though). There were even some warm drinks. It was a little chilly Saturday night. And I was wearing a skirt!

So we pretty much wandered around there. Found a table at a bar for a bite to eat. Tried not to let the really drunk people hanging out near our table knock it over. After a little bit more wandering, my companions decided that they wanted to go home so we caught a cab and went home!

The crowds weren’t too bad at the beginning but by the time we left there were a lot of people and most of them were very drunk. I had not had nearly enough to drink to feel like dealing with those people.

Just a quick plug for Ponds Cold Cream. I wasn’t entirely sure how well that liquid eyeliner was going to come off, but all I did was put the cold cream on for a minute and then cleaned it off and poof all the makeup was gone. Well, some of the blue eye shadow around my eyes lingered but when I used the towel to dry my face it was gone. It was very easy. I got the cold cream for those fancy lipsticks that don’t wipe off and I so rarely wear elaborate makeup anymore that I’ve had it forever.

Sunday was pretty low key. I mostly spent it at home. I made one foray out into the world to help another friend with some home maintenance but that was it for leaving the house. Mostly I read or watched TV. Did some dishes. It was a pretty good weekend.
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