(no subject)

Mar 10, 2010 07:39


Name/Alias Ana [ faunacation ]
Age Eighteen
Have you ever role-played in a community before Many, many, many communities.
Screen Name seeyourmean @ AIM
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Name ‘Count’ D
Age Unknown, approximately twenty six, in body.

Physical Description D is quite the vision of traditional Chinese loveliness. While he isn't particularly tall - just brushing the 5' 8" mark - he still manages to retain an air of grace and elegance that might be expected of an individual with far longer limbs than himself. He's long-nailed, slim, and exceptionally pale, due to spending so much time in that extraordinarily dimly-lit labyrinth of a pet shop, and he keeps his jet-black hair cut in a bob that finishes just below his chin. Long, almond-shaped eyes sit beneath an aristocratic brow bone; he has one golden iris, and one violet, which compliment his wine-red lips very nicely indeed.

He refuses to conform to more typical styles of Western dress, and prefers to keep his wardrobe stocked full of flowing Oriental silks, soft satins, and colourful slippers. D's quite handy with a needle and thread: you'll often find that he's outfitted himself from head to toe in cheongsam cut from old, Chinese patterns; high collars, long sleeves, and sweeping hems that brush the floor with every step.

Point in Canon The end of chapter 22.

Personality Already aristocratic in his behaviors and mannerisms, D has developed an aloof, calm public demeanor that allows for neither question nor judgment. He spares little time for riff-raff and dislikes having to mingle too much, preferring to instead to stick to his solitary lifestyle behind the ornate, closed doors of the pet shop. Although he favors peace and quiet he is by no means an impolite or rude individual, and believe it or not, he can be quite charming when he wants to be. However, it shouldn't be forgotten that he would always prefer the company of his gifted pets over the company of humans (human children especially), therefore it might be best to simply let him keep himself to himself.

For all his cool pleasantries, D also knows that sometimes one has to be cruel to be kind. He has learned to be exceptionally subtle with his viciousness, so much so that one mightn't realize what's been said and done until a good while later. It is very rare for him to lose his cool and lash out on a whim, though that's not to say that it can't happen; after all, he does have quite a nasty temper on him, though it tends to manifest itself in frosty sulking and cold-shouldering rather than wild tantrums. Why? D feels that he is above such unrestrained displays of emotion, and usually prefers to fume privately rather than publicly. However, he's not above being sweetened up again, and his sweet tooth is definitely his weak point. For D, there's no pleasure in life greater than reclining on his comfortable chaise with a cup of sweet tea and a pretty cake; exactly how he manages to retain his willowy figure is a question best kept to oneself.

He's notorious for speaking in riddles. It's very unlike him to give a straight answer to anyone, without a little nibble of encouragement, and even then you'll find that what he says can be taken a number of different ways. His apparent disregard for human life makes him something of an irritance to have around during more serious situations; more often than not, D's logic will hint towards the idea that people deserve to suffer. Now, while it's rare of him to take his hand to another human being with intent to harm them, he's well aware that any customer who breaks the terms of the contract provided with their pet will meet a painful, sticky end. Humans can be foolish and silly: it's not his fault that they chose to go against the rules, now, is it? And it's certainly not the fault of the animal. Sometimes, lessons just have to be learned the hard way.

History Under construction.

Magical Powers/Skills D's powers are best likened to that of a witch - a very, very in touch with nature witch. He has the ability to talk with plants and animals, and knows nigh on everything there is to know about the natural and mythical world: herbal tinctures, remedies, powders and potions ... he's exceptionally skilled in making them all. He can spin dreams and fantasies with the ease of a spider spinning a web and, unsurprisingly, is a master of hypnosis, which can come in very handy when constantly under scrutiny from the police force.

Oh, and to top it all off, he can fly. No kidding.

Weapons None whatsoever.

ooc: hmd, ooc: contact details, ooc: application

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