Jun 14, 2012 20:14

Michigan Woman Lawmakers Silenced By GOP After Abortion Debate 'Temper Tantrum'

Removing political representation.  Silencing women elected to speak for others.

GOP, you have just rendered me and my daughters irrelevant to the political process in this country.

If you have silenced us, why should we listen to you?  Why should any of us, ever again, entertain any concept of allegiance, courtesy, or compromise with regards to the ideals which you so fervently espouse?

Apparently these two representatives were banned not because of their gender, the subject, or their word choce, but because of their behavior.  Sure, that's the story that's being released.  Anyone with half a fucking clue knows different.  And if you can't see by now what's going on--if you can't see the BEYOND CALLOUS DISREGARD for a huge chunk of the voting populace--then you're egregiously deluded.  By which I mean you have your head so far up your ass you can see the Kool-Aid you drank happily sloshing about in your stomach.

DON'T fucking lecture me about deadbeat dads or a father's choice or how it's still a life or women shouldn't make as much as men because they take time off.  DON'T talk to me if all you can say is they went against the law or how we're just looking for things to be offended by or how the Democrats are trying to distract people from REAL issues or it's all about freedom of religion.  DON'T talk to me about artistic choice or how you have to be true to the character or how we're too sensitive it's just a joke or how I'm only hating because I'm fat and ugly or or how WE JUST PICK THE BEST STORIES AND DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GENDER.

When you can admit that in the past year and a half over 1000 bills have been proposed that directly and negatively impact women's health care in this country--when you can admit that this will affect your daughters and your granddaughters--and maybe, just maybe, admit that has something to do with all the other sexist bullshit going on that you and your friends and your fathers and brothers and sons and ministers and elected officials have perpetated, ignored, smiled at, and REMAINED DEAD SILENT ON--then maybe we can talk.

Until then, all that hopeful optimistic marshmallow fluff I've been spouting for the past few months about listening and trying to see the other person's side?

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