Dec 28, 2011 08:00
I am finally fed up enough with being a lump that I got my ass up at 6 today and went to the gym at 6:30. Looking back on what I was doing in 2009, I am amazed--I could be scared and sabotage myself by telling myself I'll never be able to do that again, but I literally don't have time to think that shit. All I did today was 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill and 25 minutes on the elliptical,and I Am Happy. Because, you see, I will also go to the gym tomorrow.
I'm doing it at such an ungodly time because I prefer it, because my spouse is off this week, and because I actually have a temp job this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. So no time during the day.
I'm taking WATER to work instead of my ubiquitous Diet Coke. I actually just finished a glass of water. (Those of you who know me will also know this is a Big Deal.) I may allow myself some coffee with crap in it at work, but we'll see how I'm doing. I've been drinking coffee for 20 years, and I've never managed to drink it black.
I'll be doing the same tomorrow morning. Friday, if I feel up to it, I may start the iron again.
I won't weigh myself right now--I'm too close to my period and I know I'll only get depressed. Right now, my plan is to weigh myself about a week after my period is over, and have my spouse look at the readout, not me. The following week, I'll weigh myself again, have him look at it, and tell me if there has been a loss or a gain. At this point I'm not going to get hung up on numbers, only on progress.
weight issues