Blankets: How Do They Work? Is Actually Not the Stupidest Question Ever

Oct 13, 2011 20:03

I am currently bashing my brains out on the keyboard over revising a particular scene. So far I've been researching how humans manifest extreme pain (don't do a google image search for that one, let me tell ya), and fun fun fun weapons of the future that are not slug throwers. You know all those cool laser guns and plasma rifles of your beloved space operas and other variants of SF? Not as easy as one might think to make them happen. Right now what we have available needs to be carried around on a truck. And is like a rilly rilly hot flashlight. Researching less-lethal weapons is a lot easier.

Did you know caltrops are still in use? Wicked things.

A couple of people have advised me to employ handwavium, but I have a very hard time doing that. I have to understand what's going on. So biology, geology, etc. in SF is easy for me; physics and chemstry is super duper hard. But I do my best. That's part of the beauty of getting involved in science fiction; and I'm afraid for you, O my Reader, that my delight in infodumps with regards to scientific processes may show up in my writing. Sorry, and all that.

research, weapons, science, science fiction, writing, horses of achilles

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