Dec 06, 2009 23:00
I love winter, as long as I don't have to go outside. My husband refers to me as the coldest woman in the world--and no, we're not talking about the bedroom; ba-dum-dum. For some reason over the past (mumble) years my tolerance to cold has decreased significantly. As a butterball teenager, I was fine with cold. I remember my first married year not having any heat in our crappy tiny house and being more or less okay with it for the few weeks it took to get turned back on.
But it turned out that as I grew older it got to where I was comfortable in winter only during my two pregnancies (both my kids were born in February).
And then there were all the car accidents.
I've been in so many car accidents I can't remember them all (No, no head injuries; thank you) and only 3 of them were when I was behind the wheel. I would bet you dollars to donuts I have a bit of PTSD. So when winter weather hits, I become un fucking glued. This past January when we had a few days of seriously iced up streets--the first day it hit before 5, and so all of Wichita was sliding around with heads up orifices by the time everyone's work got out. I had to go through major intersections by the time the light was going, and I was sobbing half the way home. I had to miss a hugely important SCA event (baronial investiture) because of the weather early this year. I am not looking forward to winter driving this year. And I see fun reports starting to come in from places that are more along my line of travel than not.
Let me warn my SCA friends right now, if the weather is interesting, I'm not attending Kris Kinder. I will wave and stay cozy with my traumatized unapologetic self while you guys enjoy yourselves.
Love, me.
car crash,