Dear Yuletide Santa,
First of all, thank you so much (in advance)!
By now you'll have seen my requests. Hopefully you're excited about one or more of the fandoms I listed. Hopefully you aren't saying "my god, what have I done???" Well, relax. I'm easy. I will be genuinely thrilled to see anything at all in one of the fandoms I picked. Write a story that you like, and I will like it too. I promise.
If you want more detail or guidance, though (some authors are into that) -- here's a little bit about what I like to read. Everything is optional, though. I won't be upset if you ignore all this completely. I definitely believe that an author who doesn't enjoy what he or she is writing isn't going to write something good.
I like slash (I'm a gay male.) I also like gen, and het where it's canon. I prefer plot over porn... but porn is okay too. Mostly, I like the canon (or I wouldn't have chosen these fandoms!) and want the characters' actions to make sense in their worlds... Yuletide lends itself to gen more often than slash, I think, and I'm really fine with that. Angst is fine as long as it isn't overwrought; I am a big fan of happy endings and romance. Plot twists rock my world, but a more straightforward story is good too.
Charlie Jade -- This was an obscure Canadian(?) science fiction show, filmed and set in South Africa, that ran for only one season. It was aired on the Sci-Fi channel in the US this past summer/fall, but was bumped to a 3am timeslot almost immediately after it premiered. I admit, I missed the pilot and a few episodes toward the middle. I've been able to find zero fanfic for it, so if this was our match, I'd be thrilled to see anything at all in this universe. I liked the show's take on parallel universes, and the noir-ish atmosphere of Alphaverse (I'm a fan of Blade Runner, and it had a bit of that vibe.) I also liked the whole fish-out-of-water thing, with Charlie's attempt to adapt to our decidedly low-tech (by his standards) world. 01 Boxer was interesting too; I never entirely "got" what was going on with him... his personality was so different depending on what world he was inhabiting. I'd love to see something about either one of them, or both of them together. Slash or gen, explicit or not... really, as I said, anything at all considering that the fandom seems nonexistent. I would rather not see Charlie pining away for Jasmine, but that's just my personal preference. :)
Connie Willis - To Say Nothing of the Dog -- This is my favorite book ever. I'd prefer gen or romantic het, with any of the characters. The thing I like most about this book is the whole madcap "comedy of manners" style. I know that's hard to pull off well, but basically anything lighthearted will do -- either set in the Victorian era, or involving one or more of the characters time-traveling anywhen/anywhere else. Or something in "modern" Oxford. Really, anything goes. You cannot go wrong here unless you, like, kill Mr Dunworthy or something.
La Femme Nikita -- I'm kind of a fan of the whole spy genre. A little bit of angst is fine in this fandom; canon almost requires it. I like the deception, the manipulations, the little twists of the knife (or the plot). I liked Michael and Nikita, of course, and also Madeleine and Birkoff. I was less of a fan of Operations, but he makes a decent villain. A lot of the time, the show was completely whack-a-doodle, and you can go that route or play it straight; I'll be happy with anything. :)
Bourne Identity (movies) -- Again, I'm a big fan of the spy genre, so something focusing directly or indirectly on how much Jason kicks butt would be awesome. :) I am not a huge Marie fan (the Marie in the books was so much better than movie-Marie!) but if that is your favorite pairing, go for it. I have seen all three movies, so anything before, during or after them is fair game. I did like Nicky and Pamela Landy. I'd be okay with really anything, including het, in this fandom.
That's probably not terribly helpful, I know. But really, have fun -- that's the most important thing -- and I'm sure I'll like whatever you come up with!