Jul 11, 2008 09:43
[Heavily tired and somewhat distressed voice.]
Unforgiving, yet forgiveness is not something I ask for. I bear what I must, but I do not and shall not regret.
We were... like a family, but...
[A sigh.]
I hope you slept better than I, City.
yet loss and sorrow,
no regrets,
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[She glances at Mitsuhide, who is beside her. He looks very tired, and her heart immediately stills with worry.]
Mitsuhide . . .
[She reaches out to cup his cheek.]
There are shadows in your eyes . . .
[A bite to her lip.]
Sleep did not bring rest?
No. Nightmares plagues me, making the fire burn once more. I saw them die, but... then they came back, and...
[Mitsuhide bites his lip. No, he can't think on it. Ranmaru asking 'why? why do you do this, Lord Mitsuhide?' Nouhime's accusations that Mitsuhide had took the life that only she had a right to. Nobunaga's laughter... and their faces were all burnt, their bodies...]
[A sharp intake of breath, and he closes his eyes shut.]
I do not wish to dwell on it.
[Fire . . .]
[She, too, has memories of an inferno, wiping away everything she knew and loved . . .]
Mitsuhide . . .
[She draws him into her arms, holding him close, reassuring him of her presence, her love.]
I'm here, my love.
We will not dwell on it, if you do not wish to speak of it.
[Her voice is soft, soothing, and she smoothes his hair gently.]
I'm here. Focus on me, anata. I'm here.
[No regrets. He did what was best for the land, for the people. Nobunaga would have destroyed the present for the sake of the future, and he could not allow that.]
[But to do so, he'd...]
Thank you, love.
[He leans into her and sighs lightly.]
Let us talk of other things for now...
Alright, love.
And . . . when you want to speak . . . about anything . . . you know that I am here. I always will be.
[Megumi kisses his brow gently as she continues to brush his hair with a gentle hand. A quiet murmur, and a soft kiss to his mouth.]
How would you like to spend the day, anata?
[She gazes into his eyes, giving him a tender smile.]
I can bring breakfast to the bed . . . read you something, ne? ♥
I believe I should... stay in bed to rest a little longer. My body would not wish to cooperate if I walked about too much too soon.
[A small nod. Something to eat would be nice, and as for reading... anything to distract his mind from going back to THAT place would be welcomed.]
I'd like that, love.
Alright, anata. If you'd like to, you can come and cook with me, since I know you love to cook . . . but I think it's best if you rest for now, ne?
[She embraces him a bit tighter before rising onto her elbows, leaning down for another kiss.]
Mmm . . . I think today I'll prepare scrambled eggs, ham, and toast . . . We have some strawberry jam in the refrigerator . . .
[A smile, and another soft kiss.]
Tea or orange juice, love?
[His reply to her question comes out without even thinking about it.]
Tea, please.
[A tiny smile, and he lays his head back onto the pillows.]
Thank you.
[She smiles, giving him another lingering kiss before rising from the sheets.]
I'll just take a moment, mmm?
[She briskly moves to the kitchen, immediately preparing her ingredients. Eggs and milk for the scrambled eggs, ham from the refigerator and into a pan after the eggs, butter and strawberry jam for the toast, the bread into the oven, and hot water to boil for the tea.]
[Everything is prepared quite quickly, and she places their food onto a tray, moving back to the bedroom with breakfast for her and her beloved husband.]
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