Nov 07, 2008 15:10
I stopped to inquire at one of the little tents as to why they were giving injections, and had a fascinating conversation on the subject of immunizations. The technology to create vaccines is lacking in my whorl, unfortunately; it is a shame, because I imagine it would save hundreds of lives. Especially in the Orilla, and in my own Sun Street Quarter; when diseases hit there is so little that can be done to stop their spread, and the consequences can be devastating.
The concept, though, of immunization is not unknown; there are certain diseases, mostly childhood ailments, which one does not catch twice. Often, if a child is infected, her neighbors' children will be sent to play with her so they will sicken. It seems backwards, even cruel; but as a child's body is more resilient, it is easier for her to fight the disease while she is young, than to risk sickening as an adult, and experiencing a much more severe and dangerous illness.
I gather the theory is the same with vaccines; only without the necessity of actually experiencing the sickness, in general. I suspect this is something that was known to my ancestors, but that we no longer have the knowledge to create these medicines. Living here I am reminded every day of the disparity between what my whorl has, and what it must once have had. Any one of us can learn to operate the mechanisms of this City, the day-to-day items, but many of us could never comprehend the skills needed to make them. So it was with us; like children living in the ruins of our parents' home, we survive, but we cannot rebuild.
I shouldn't let myself sound so sorrowful. I spend too much time alone, here, I think.
In any case, though I am not prone to illness, I've now been vaccinated as well. They warned me that I might experience some symptoms but thus far I feel quite well. May Fierce Phaea bring those of you who have fallen ill a swift recovery.
curious augur is curious,
tealdeer is a way of life,
they had scientists,
fierce phaea heal us,
influenza station