Apr 11, 2009 12:45
It never seemed strange to me that the time we spend here, the weeks or months or years, do not last even a moment in our own whorl. There is a time outside of time, something I have seen, once, by the grace of the Outsider... and this is much the same. Believing that time may move in two whorls, at two rates, strains credibility a bit more. I have been gone-- weeks, here, it seems, though I'm not wholly certain when I left. And yet it has barely been a day since the morning I first arrived here, that recent and remote moment Hieraxday when I fell off my donkey on the way back from Limna, hands bound and in the company of the Guard. The Caldé's guard, I should say; as they now call themselves.
Good men have died today; and evil men who I mourn no less; and men whose names and faces and qualities I may never know have lost their lives, fighting for or against me in the streets of my city. Viron has been torn by revolution, and she has suffered wounds that will not be easily salved. The Queen of the Whorl, Ophidian Echidna, came before my congregation and exhorted us to violence, to overturn the Ayuntamiento and to pull down the Alambrera. I have seen the mother of the gods, and I pray I never behold her face again. No; that's a foolish prayer, I know I won't. I've made my choice on that count.
But Viron waits once more; and with it Hyacinth. And in Thelxiepeia's mirror we still sit, side by side in the cool grass, staring up at ourselves. Together. That's what she wanted; not to see me, but to see us together. She came. She waited for me.
And for a time I will wait for her as well; so much has happened in the past day, I'm grateful for the rest.
I hope those of you who've become my friends in this whorl have not vanished in my absence. I should like to see you, but I fear it will be a few days before I'm fit to visit anyone.
[ooc: SILK'S BACK! ♥♥ for the moment, at least; he's still up for a potential drop, but i'm trying ;_; Slightly updated and consequently both depressed and elated, hah. He's got a broken ankle, pas knows how many bruises, and he sort of um. got shot. |D and yeah. HE MISSED U GAIZ]
fierce phaea heal us,
canon update,
o grain-bearing echidna,
silk/pain = canon pairing,
calde of viron,
the wild hyacinth blooms,
idk my bff the outsider