This getting more involved with LJ is getting to be a headache. I've spent the last hour trying to get my new layout to look right and I just can't get it. I asked the person that runs
Eat_a_Cake if I could borrow her layout and she agreed so that's my new layout. However, I can't seem to get my text boxes to look the same. It's very annoying that I can't figure this out. I want my text to be on that peachy pink color not camouflaged by the background. Is there anoyone who can explain this to me?
Also, I decided to become a paid member today. Who knows if it will stick because I'm a bit of a cheapskate and I don't know if the extra features will be worth my $3 a month. But at the same time. I now feel I have more of a commitment to journal write just a bit more since I have lost touch with it. And I'm always curious about how my LJ friends/enemies are doing.
I'm very excited about the last Harry Potter book coming out. I've been slowly rereading OotP for the last month taking any break I can at work to read it. There is so much I have forgotten about because it's been 2 years since the last time I read it. It's almost like reading it for the first time again because I truly can't remember a lot of the details.
Typing this with a bandaid on my index finger has been mucho hard so I'm going to close now with saying I'm glad to be back!