I want to thank my friends for their overwhelming support this last week. I've literally had tens of people respond with flowers and fruit baskets once hearing of my illness. For those of you not familar with my recent ailment, I will inform you that I have been bedridden for the last week and unable to attend to my stately duties. Again I would like to thank those for sending the lovely gifts. The flowers were very beautiful before they wilted and only irritated my sinuses a small amount. The fruit was nice, I enjoyed it despite the sever bouts of diarrhea and nausea from the scent. It's the thought that counts really. And those of you that were too busy to visit my bed side, I truly do understand that life must go on for you and you weren't able to give up 5 minutes out of your day to see how I was doing. I truly do understand and there are no hard feelings what-so-ever. In fact, it's probably better that way. I would hate to put anyone else in this situation as I truly do understand the amount of pain and distress this virus can cause. No, I think it was probably the right decision. And I'm sure you will all be glad to know that I am on the road to recovery. That's right. In recent hours my fever has broken, my severe headache has lessened and my diarrhea is less frequent. I should be in tip top shape in no time. So again, thank you all for being so sweet and thinking of me.
Of course this post isn't aimed at my LJ friends but I thought you would enjoy in nonetheless. I've been a little bored this week so I took up a new hobby....
I got photoshop!
Kaylee before
Kaylee after
And just wait till I get really good.