
Mar 22, 2014 21:21

Beep beep beep beep
Margareta's alarm sounded on her computer. 30 minutes till dawn.
Time to shut everything down and get ready for the day.
But she couldn't. She still had emails to send, reports to read. Everything had to be perfect, no errors, no omissions. The Re... the Captain expected much of her (must remember to address him as he wishes), and the Lord even more.
They knew what she was capable of, it was good to have their confidence.
They knew what she was capable of, and expected much of her.
Too much?

Getting that motion passed was a lot to ask.
Getting that position was.... not wise. So she politely declined the Lord's suggestion, wincing as she sent her reply. Would he consider her insolent for not trying? Lazy, too cautious perhaps? Or was it another test to see what she would do, whether she could figure it out for herself, stand up for her chantry?
She'd wish he'd stop with the constant tests, the constant little “not sure I promoted the right person to High Apprentice”.
She knew it would never stop. Even if she got promoted the college, there would be the threat of demotion... not overt, but subtle, always there.
She saw it in his eyes when he was here.
The look of a hunter.
The look of the calculating Elder. Knowing what he could get out of her, and determined to get it.
But she could not blame him. She was not some naïve chit, she knew exactly what she was getting herself into when she allied herself with the up and coming regent, she knew what would happen, what it would cost her.

Margareta looked at Alessandro's painting of her from way back when she was first elevated to A5. She spent 200 years after that in happy relative obscurity. And then...
how a small fall can cause a meteoric rise.

Beep beep beep beep
10 minute alarm. Time to get to her quarters and get to bed.
The ghouls had bought her one of those new blankets that is like a pillow but bigger... duvet, it was called. It was rather pleasant not as heavy as the woolen blankets she was used to on her small cot.

Maybe if she got regent, she'd buy a bigger bed and some luxurious silk sheets or something...... she could only imagine what Apprentice Genesis would say about that.
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