Ashley woke up in her hotel room and stretched, enjoying the feel of the Egyptian cotton sheets. Raphael certainly didn't spare any expenses for her. She wondered where he was, whether he was ok. She wanted him here. Why? He had nothing to do with this, just provided the hotel, and the plane, and the funds, and the idea..... Ashley reached for the remote and turned on the TV, then grabbed the room service menu from the night stand and considered her breakfast options. She wasn't supposed to leave her room today, so it was going to be a loooong day. Ah well, they had x-box here and then tomorrow she'd made plans to visit Howes Cave, that should be fun, and then back home Sunday. Back home to her new family. Rose, who seemed to finally have accepted she was not a little kid. David who... made as good a step granddad as any. Lucas, family by type. Irene, family by choice.
Putting her hand on her flat stomach, she wondered if she'd gone crazy. Crazier than the psychs of her childhood ever thought she was. No. This was the right thing. For the Accord, for hope. She may not be able to fight like a Ursa, or do magic like a Mage, or force people to do things like a Vampire. But she could do this. Un Arbol. The good guys had to come together, the tree had to grow. Ashley would do what was needed, and study the effects.
... and then she got Rose' text, and was back to San Juan by midnight.