All four of my new dragons have grown up today! :D Allow me to introduce you to:
Súryende Tinu
Súryende is a skywing dragon and her name is Quenya and should mean "Daughter of the Wind". ;-) I guess she would feel at home everywhere, but I think she would look wonderful circling over the white shores of Valinor with a flock of gulls around her. I've added "Tinu" as a kind of surname to all my dragons now (save those that were already named).
Auriël Tinu of Dorkface
Auriël is a Magi dragon, whose name is Sindarin and means "Daughter of the Sunlight". The "of Dorkface" behind her name means she's from the Dorkface lineage, which seems to be a very famous one (thanks a lot to
Imbecamiel for pointing that out to me! *g*). Since Auriël is from a fierce and magic-loving dragon race, she'd probably want to stay in Middle-earth and get in fights from time to time (I wonder if she may be related to Smaug?!).
Gildin Tinu
Gildin's name means "Silver Spark" and since he's a gentle dragon with healing powers I like to picture him being at home somewhere around Imladris (at least while Elrond was still living there - they might have had interesting conversations, and I'm sure Gildin would have liked to meet Gwaihir :).
Duinhir Tinu
Last but not least, here's my new majestic water dragon, Duinhir. His name means "River Lord" and I very much hope he'll have more luck where his offspring is concerned that the man I've "stolen" his name from - both of his sons were trampled to death by oliphaunts. :( I like to imagine him living in the depths of the Anduin and looking over at Minas Tirith from time to time. :)
Of course I also couldn't resist getting more eggs... *smiles sheepishly* If you are still not tired of hearing about dragons and clicking on eggs, feel free to click on them as much and as often as you want to. *g*
A nice little family picture of all my new beauties:
*loves them*