Mar 13, 2005 23:13
tid bet of information. never put you phone in a cup of ice cream because it will stop working on you. i wonder how the phone company is gonna sort that one out first they will probably think how does a girl not see she put her phone in a cup of ice cream? for their information it was dark and i couldnt see the cup. it was in the normal spot were i would put a cell phone in that cup holder spot bw the drivers sit and the passengar.
all american rejects are coming to house of blues may 25th. just to let anyone interested know about that.
things to make me go mmmm
1.greg frank
2.kristin hennessey
3.ted and his blanket
4.rachel sentilles
6.vans that make u feel like u had sex in it 7 times bc the car wasnt on
7.liscense plates with kbh or kf U KNOW WHAT I MEAN YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
8.cuting my bangs that one day i will find the urge to shave my head.
9.martha my mother with her spanish self and the fetish she brought to this earth marilyn.
10.franklin family portraits
11.burning cds
12.something corporate and than some.