Jan 24, 2007 18:33
Even though I have been sick for the last 2 weeks now, I have still managed to grocery shop, balance the check book, do the laundry, and cook some form of dinner most nights. I have fed the kitties, cleaned and refilled their water bowl, and even changed their cat litter when I knew it had been way to long even though I couldn't smell what I know he had of been smelling. I have conversed with people between coughs and stayed ontop of things at work - including the afternoon I helped the accountant get some bills out.
While my husband did baby me (cook dinner, get me drinks, and took me to the doctor) the worst 3 days of my illness and take out the trash, he has failed to help with anything else around the house. Today, he spent his day off on the sofa confident that changing a few lightbulbs counted as chore for the day. I am so annoyed that I declare he's on his own for dinner tonight. I give up for the moment. Some days he's Mr. Wonderful taking care of all the things I refuse to do. Other days he's a lazy so-and-so. I dont' mean to blast my husband to the public as much as I mean to vent the frustration that without me nothing gets done. It's not like he doesn't know it needs to be done as much as he just procrastinates till someone else comes to take care of him OR until things get nasty.