Hello there everyone in the LJ world!
I have finally received my lomo camera that I ordered about a week ago and its the cutest little jobber that you have ever seen.For those of you that don't know what the hell a lomo camera is I'll explain. As you can see above it has 4 little lenses that take a photo every 4th of a second when you press the button to take the pic! So this ends up giving you 4 little photos on one regular photo print!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The model that I got is one of the more simple models. Some of these cameras have up to 9 lenses and they are so pleasurable! I suggest that you check out the web site. www.lomography.com and see what the hype is all about. Well any who, last night I played Mr. Photographer and my cousin Erin and I took portraits for her senior pictures! I'm getting them developed as I type. They sure better turn out. We ended up doing them for about 2 or 3 hours.
What the Fuck?
So I thought that I would put a little random somthin' in today and here it is. Don't ask questions just love it!