Rambo don't cry

Aug 03, 2007 20:50

Wednesday the guys at school gave me a nickname. I wear a red bandanna around my head. I used to wear is like I do in my main pic, but it's too hot like that, so I fold it and wrap it around my forehead now. Well, Tuesday we were taking apart a transmission and I had grease on my hands and up my arms. I scratched my face and it put two vertical lines on my left cheek. Tex looks at me and goes "where's your gun, Rambo?" and all the other guys (Bob the Builder, Fritz, Twitch, Coolie, Hot Rod, Seth, and Brandon along with our instructor Tom) freaked out because that's the best name for me. So I officially have a nickname now.
Later that day at work I was completely exhausted. At exactly 3:24 p.m. I made yet another oops. I completely blacked out from being so exhausted. I don't remember anything other than thinking "No, don't do that" but I was too tired to react to my own warning and I took a coolant line off before it was purged from the engine (meaning before the machine sucked the excess radiator coolant from the engine and cooled it down from what it was at the time which happened to be about 245 degrees Fahrenheit) so when the coolant sprayed from the knuckle on my index finger to part way between my first knuckle and my thumb knuckle I decided it was time to quit my job because I can't work correctly if I'm exhausted and I can't learn properly either. I figure ten bucks an hour isn't worth that. So I got my check from the last two week and it's over $600. I hate to see it go, but oh well. I'd only be working there another week anyway because after another week they're shutting down for a bit because GM won't have anymore engines for them after that so I'm not really losing anything that I wouldn't lose anyway.
Ramon was proud of me because I'm such a tough girl. I rode with him to work because we went every other day taking turns driving. He drove me to the hospital and I didn't drop one tear. He was really surprised at that and couldn't get over how tough I was. I thought that was pretty cool that I'm showing the guys up, yet again. Then when I called my mom to tell her she had to come to Ramon's apartment to get her truck because I wasn't fit to drive she asked to talk to him for directions. He says "Hello...?" and I heard my mom say in an accusing tone "Did you hurt my baby?" He freaked out because he though she was serious and he worriedly goes "No! No! I would never hurt her!" It was kind of funny that he was so concerned. I started laughing and that told him she was kidding so he laughed a little too. Then when mom met up with us at the apartment she gave him a hug and thanked him for helping us out. He's a great guy. Renee is lucky to have him.
What's really ironic about this is that it happened just hours after I got the name Rambo. When I went to school today the guys all asked what happened. Why I told them Fritz asked if I cried and Coolie goes "What?! Of course not! Rambo don't cry!" Hot Rod, Seth, and Tom laughed and I said "No, I didn't cry, but I almost did." and Coolie goes "Well, you can keep the name then because all that matters is that you didn't."

Tex showed up around 10:30 stoned out of his mind. He was on pills and weed. No one there has ever seen him more fucked up and they've known him for a year. Tom was worried so he had him sit in Tom's truck with the air running. He ended up leaving around 11:30. I don't want to know how he got there or how he got home.

F.Y.I. school starts at 7:15 and ends at 12:00 (or whenever everyone decides to leave... like at 11:30 or 11:45 or whatever). Today was the first time I left early. I usually stay after for an hour or so to catch up because the four new guys and I started in the middle of a chapter so we have to catch up. I'm the only one who stays though, so it's pretty obvious who wants to be there and who's there because they can be.

I went to Jon's today. I was going to go to Josh's, but he wasn't home... then Jon reminded me that he moved into his new house in the same town so I felt kinda dumb after that... but whatever... I got there around 1 and left around 3. We just kinda sat around and hardly talked. He had chores to do and then he had to go to work, so I just left.

The plan is to go to Heather's on Sunday and Josh's on Monday after I get out of school. Hopefully Heather doesn't bail on me again. It'd be okay if she did, I'm just missing her again is all. I really miss Josh too. It's been over a month since I last saw him. We were going to hang out last weekend, but it just didn't happen for whatever reason. I hope it works on Monday.

Jake came over for a few days. He got here Saturday and left Thursday. When he left, B.J., Lindsey, and Allison stayed. They leave tomorrow. B.J. and I went to the park today so I'm pretty tired now. He's playing video games like he has been all day. It's been a while since I last went to the park.

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