Holy shit it's been a while

Nov 24, 2006 00:22

I haven't even been on line in like... a long fucking time, well, except for the stupid online course shit I have to do, but that doesn't count cause if I had a choice I wouldn't.

Shit, what's new...? Well, nothing. Heh. I'm in Tennessee at my grands house right now which is why I'm online. I don't have internet or a phone at home still so it really sucks, but at least I have the cell and a car so I'm not totally cut off from civilization. Josh B went to Indiana for a little over a month and just got back last week so we've been hanging out a lot. I've been hangin with Jon a little too. I'm going to Skills for Auto 2. That's fun. My teacher isn't as bad as I thought he'd be. I've made a couple new friends this year. Orlando, Deryl, Louise (spelling), Mike, and Chris. Orlando is really crazy and Louise is hilarious. Deryl is a really nice guy. Mike is really cool and Chris is fuckin amazing. I went with Chris a while ago for him to get a tattoo across his shoulders. It looks really sweet and I had a blast. I went to White Castle with Amber (I met her last year at Skills in case you forget) and had a fun night. We sat up there for like two and a half hours and just talked, it was great. It felt like old times. School sucks, but when did it not? Oh, hey, I got accepted to college. Michigan Institute of Technology in Lapeer. I'm really excited about that, but really nervous too cause I don't know what to expect. i'm still single, of course. It seems like every time I like a guy something (or rather someone) gets in the way but when I finally get a fair chance it's too late. Iduno. Whatever. That's life. Nothing real significant has happened lately so yeah. I guess it is completely pointless for me to have internet. Until next time.
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