(no subject)

Jul 31, 2005 22:26

So I was workin on my car last night right? 'N it's comin along pretty good. I got both back quarter panels sanded and the roof sanded when Heath calls. She's bored, as usual, but that's okay cause I've been wantin to talk to her for a while now. We're just talkin about a few things and I'm workin on the front end when I ask her if she wants to get rid of her boredom and come help me with my car. So I borrow my dad's truck and get her. On the way back I freaked her mom out a bit by takin off all fast n driving on the shoulder. The whole way back I'm freakin Heath out with my shifting. When we get bck to my house we talk my dad into letting her shave my head. He says it's cool, after about half an hour of talking him into it, so I grab the shaver. She shaves off the bottom half of my hair making it wicked awesome. We go to Chris Day's house so we can go with him to a bon fire. Heath and Chris had never met before so I was kinda nervous about this, but they hit it off pretty well. Chris played guitar for us for a while n then we went to the bon fire. Heath stole my Zippo from me so we wrestled for like two hours fighting over it. Neither of us were serious, we were just messin around, but I REALLY wanted my lighter back. I finally got it and ran. She caught up with me around the front of the house and takled me down. My pockets are so loose that she had no problem getting it out and running with it. I was way too tired to fight her again so I just walked over to where she was. I realized that I was more tired than I thought when I dropped to the ground and was one breath away from passing out. I lay there for a while and then Chris came over and was tryin to cuddle with me but it wasn't exactly working cause I was too tired to even move. Eventually I get the strength to stand and we go back over to the fire. I sat down next to Chris and was almost asleep when the alarm on my phone went off. That sucked cause it ment we had to go home. Kevin gives us a ride back to Chris's house and we head on home. Heath and I watched Sleepy Hollow, a really good movie with Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci, and then hit the sack after havin a quick smoke. She was supposed to be home by noonish, one o'clock today, but that wasn't even cloe to happening. Justin calls at about one, waking Heath up, I'd been awake for a couple hours at that point, and she decides to stay a bit longer. We go to the mall with Chris Gibson and he gives us our overdue reward for... he gives us each a pack of cigs, Kools of course, a hug, a kiss on the cheak, and a dollar. Well, he gave me a dollar, but Heath didn't get hers cause he only had fives n over except for that one dollar. We went back to the mall after we went and picked up the cigs. After buying hair ties, Heath braided my hair, and let me tell you it is kick ass. Then we grabbed a bite to eat and me and Heath had to head out to make it to her house at 3:30. That didn't happen. We didn't get there till 4:45 cause Allison needed a ride. We had to go find her and then get back to Heath's. Stupidly I took 75 even though my gut told me to take 69. I shoulda listened. We got stuck in traffic caseu there's was construction and people don't know how to drive. Especially this one guy who slammed into the back of another guys car. Fucked up his whole back end pretty much, but the guy who did the hitting didn't even get a scratch on his car cause it was a big car, I think it was a truck but I'm not sure, I didn't get a good look at it. All I know is that I almost moved over a while back and I'm glad I didn't cause I woulda been the one who got hit since I'd'a been behind the guy who did get hit. It was fun to watch the guy who got hit casue he was pissed. Before he even got out of his car to check the damage he screams "FUCK", you could tell he was pissed when he got out from the way he was throwing his arms. I wouldn't be surprised if he threw a few punches, as far as we know he didn't, but he might've after we were outta site. We got back to Heath's and I hung out there for forty-five minutes er so n then went home. I watched a movie with my parents after takin pics of my hair and then came in here. If anyone wants to see the pics I've got them on mysace, just go to http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=15271581&Mytoken=20050731195639 and click on the main pic of me.
To the ropes end me mangy dogs
Captain Bob
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