Happy Leap Year Day...

Feb 29, 2004 14:31

God damnit, I wrote this big rant about religion, then when I pressed post I lost it all. So I will be brutally blunt and keep it short and sweet! Before anyone shits themselves, this is my journal and only my opinion. If you believe in God, then feel free to, just like I am free to believe God or any other deity you choose to substitute in his place is a fabrication that was created to control your mind and your lives.

·Religion is bullshit

·God or a higher being does not exist

·If you believe that there is a higher being, and that somehow, you are better than I am because you believe it and I don't, not only are you stupid, you're also conceited!

·Stand on your own two feet and realise the path you have chosen or will continue to choose for yourself is exactly that, not your Gods, not Buddha, not Allah, not your Guru etc etc!

·If you honestly believe God created this world in 6 days and you can ignore everything associated with evolution and science, please see the last part of point three. You really are retared.

·Relgion has persecutated against so many minorties since it's creation, if you really are proud to be a part of that then every other atheist in this world, including myself, are better people than you.

Anyway, that was what I wanted to say, in a nutshell. It's a little less eloquent, a little more rushed, but it's there.

I am a good person. I treat other people with respect and compassion I would like to be treated with. I'm honest, caring and thoughtful. I'm socially and politically aware and I believe that we should change the world to be a better place for every one, not just the elite. THAT, is more Christian than most Christians I know.

And here is one to really piss you God fearing folk out there. Your God can kiss my white ass!

I'm done

I'll leave you with Anti-Flag lyrics

Say your prayers for the dead generation
Agressivness is godliness
Combativness is holiness
Destructiveness is faithfullness
Deadliness is devoutness
Praying to a god that they created and know damn well does not exist
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