Oct 20, 2006 22:04
Went to see Marie Antoinette tonight. It was alright but I was hella tired from working 11.5 hours today so I wasn't really focusing on the movie. I will proabably have to see it again to fully appreciate it and make an accurate judgement.
I don't think that I really like my job. I am finding out that I am pretty much unappreciated and overlooked. I think because I am not in the 25/married/and with child club. They all coffee clutch in the mornings and discuss their babies' diaper rash while I just sit and watch the geese fly overhead. I don't know how long I can really handle working 12hr days and still maintain good grades in school and have time to actually breathe, because right now I am carrying a B in my Life Drawing class which is unacceptable to me considering that i am paying hella amounts of money to go to school. I might have to explore other options as far as jobs and it kind of sucks.
I think before we go to the Haunted woods tomorrow I am going to dye my hair and get it cut somewhere. I have a pretty different idea of what I want done to it this time around. Just sick of this same ol mess. I also want to find some decent fall sweaters but this season for whatever reason it seems like such a task. Oh well, I have learned to pretty much loathe shopping. I never thought this day would come.
I am fighting to stay awake right now. It is ridiculous.