Or did I manage that entirely on my own? It's horrifying how I can do something one day and forget about it the next. I'm having trouble remembering what usernames and passwords I used for forums. (This LJ account was not exempted either.) Usually, it comes back to me but there are times when I'm going, "Dang. I JUST signed up. I don't even know which email I used."
I just signed up at JuniorSource.com. It's a forum for what has possibly become my favourite K-Pop band, Super Junior. (H.o.T.'s break up really did more than just get to me. I found myself disinterested in Shin Hwa [which was my second favourite band at that time] within months and have never liked anything from Korea for a good few years or so.) It all started with a video I saw on MTV two nights ago. (The same way I found myself liking Shin Hwa.) There was this humongous amount of guys dancing (most of them being drop dead gorgeous.) to this very catchy song. Then the formation parted and out came this insanely hot guy with a card. Kim Hee Chul. I was speechless. He's really adorable and his dancing is awesome (though he couldn't always dance that well).
Sexay, isn't he.
Now someone please tell me why I keep falling for the guys who look like this...