1. Go to Put in Username: nycareers and Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top results.
1. Mathematician - now there's a shock!
2. Computer Support Person
3. Computer Engineer
4. Physicist
5. Electrical Engineer
6. Astronomer
7. Optometrist
8. Materials / Metallurgical Engineer
9. Biomedical Engineer
10. Database Developer
11. Business Systems Analyst
12. Web Developer
13. Aerospace Engineer
14. Explosives Specialist
15. Mechanical Engineer
16. Computer Programmer
17. Geologist
18. Hydrologist / Hydrogeologist
19. Optical / Ophthalmic Lab Technician
20. Electrical Engineering Tech
I can see why a lot of sciences came up - math and science. The one that seems pretty out there is Explosives Specialist - what did I answer to make that one come up?
Also, I'm kinda surprised nothing came up that involves working with kids - I answered 'like very much' to that question.