I See Hell In Your Eyes

Nov 15, 2007 20:56

What is the biggest mistake you've made in a relationship?

“You killed him…” Percy’s voice carried a flat tone of confusion, his head canted to the side with a perplexed knot on his brow. It almost seemed as if Percy had never considered the idea that Alex was capable of murdering someone, anyone.

Alex turned to look at his sire, golden curls bouncy lightly with the movement. His lips curved in a snarl as blue eyes gave Percy a hard, dangerous glare. “You seem so disturbed by the idea.”

Percy blinked, turning to look at the body of the young Lord that had taken up their company; provided for them lavishly in return for small favors, mostly from Alex. The Lord, Michel de Pointe, had quite the taste for young, blond boys. It was not unsurprising to Percy. Many who had lain eyes upon Alex had found themselves longing for the boy, as if struck by Cupid’s arrows.

His little angel.

“Well? Isn’t this the part where you get angry? Hit me for my insolence?” Alex growled, suddenly lashing out at Percy, shoving the older vampire back before puffing his chest up in a manly way. “Where is your fuckin’ anger now!”

The screaming had taken Percy by surprise, forcing him back more than the shoving had done. He blinked, clearly at a lose as he frowned. There was a small part of his mind that clearly identified the reason for Alex’s anger, the same source that had once bubbled deeply within Percy’s own psyche. But despite that small inkling of understanding, he could not comprehend the harsh, unabashed rage being directed at him.

“What are you on about?” He asked dumbfounded, rebounding off the lavishly adorned bed before he unceremoniously plopped to the floor. His brow knotted ever more as he tried to piece together something of the events…

Michel had come by the suite, seeking the adoration and attentions of Alex. It was not altogether unexpected in any manner. It had happened many times before, and Percy had barely stirred in his thoughts beyond to wave Michel off. It was his habit, preoccupied with inner demons. And Alex, a moody child of late, had done as he always done…tried to appeal to Percy’s inner sensibilities.

Perhaps he should have listened?

Gazing at Alex, Percy tried to see that boy he had turned in the angry beast raving before him. The soft, supple body of the youth (a bare thirteen winters when he had been turned) still existed, but it was nothing short of a façade. What laid within the golden child was decay, and ruin. He had become so much like his sire, Alex had. A shell of beauty, masking the leprous soul within.

“You do not know!” Alex was saying, a book sailing toward Percy’s head with a volatile speed that startled the older vampire. “You do not? You sold me like a whore! You! You do not care, you are bored. You cannot even imagine what is fuckin’ wrong!” There was more than a little truth to that statement. “I hope burn in the deepest of hells.”

“And why is that?” Percy snorted, eyes rolling as something akin to apathy crept into his voice. “You killed him because he wanted to lay in your bed? I fail to see what your issue…He was pretty enough.”

Alex launched himself at his sire then, fingers digging into Percy’s flesh as the young boy screamed, fangs bared. “Then why not did you not take him to your bed, filthy beast?” A growl started low, deep within the boy as Percy tried to jerk away.

“Get off me.” There was a lack of real anger in Percy’s reaction. A bland annoyance barely touching his lips as long, thin fingers curled about Alex’s wrist with iron grips. “Or I will send you to join him.”

“Do it!”

Alex did not have a chance to say anything more as Percy flung the boy with a mere thought. The wall rattled violently, a crack splitting the wallpaper. Standing, he moved with a slow grace of a killer, eyes hard and cold. His dark hair framed his pale features, lips curved in a malicious sneer.

As he approached Alex’s shuddering form, he laughed softly, like bells upon the wind. There was no hiding the pleasure Percy found in the small, cruel acts of dominance.

“Just kill….Just….You do not care about me. I have loved you, and you gave me to another as a pet whore.” Alex’s lips quivered as he stared up at his sire, “I loved you. I love you…And all I see is hell in your eyes.”

“Non, Cherie. I do not think I will kill you. Not today…” He grinned then, a hand reaching out to slip through Alex’s hair, petting the boy softly. He wasn’t done with his precious angel just yet.


William Percy Hastings
word count: 802

alassandro, france, 1700s, tm_challenge, canon

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