Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, from one Mun to another.

Dec 24, 2008 18:22

So it is the Merry little holidays, and I have this feeling of good will! Well, it is more like I have this feeling to make everyone else feel good, and because it is in my power to be polite versus being a huge bitch, I shall be. And because I love to abuse Percy’s journal with jolly funtimes that he absolutely hates. :D

So I’m doing my meme thingy whatever, AGAIN. This time I promise to use a cut…seeing as it isn’t 3am and I no longer have the ‘I’m not wake’ excuse. Also, most everyone on my characters’ flist is getting a mention. SO….it’ll be longish? Maybe?

Name a hand full of people you RP with, read, or have heard of. Say something positive, a reason why you like their characters, or the players. Anything that is constructive, positive, and better than the general: <3!!

vampire_damion, Ana…we need to RP more. Which is kinda silly that I say this now, because You are aways off in that place we used to call home. I’m not sure I’ll ever claim the great state of ‘Texas’, but whatever. You know, if it hadn’t been for you? I’d never be in this thing called RP. I remember our first adventures with great, horrible joy. Hunny, we? Were so bad at this when we were 14/15. Oh yes, yes we were. But we were also quick learners, and we had the best group of people around us when we started. We’ve come a long ways, and I think we’ve gotten more goofy in our old age. LJ isn’t Worlde Arcane. We are no longer keeping to those standards of serious RP, which is fine. I’m too old for that sort of seriousness anyway. ;). But, in real seriousness? We need to find our magics again. Those characters that meet and RP without all this silly ‘eh, I’m not really into this’ moments we both have been guilty of. Hell, lets go back to AIM RP, says I. Though, neither of us are really good at the attention span thing lately. Damn that growing up.

30cigarettes, I miss reading John. I thought he was funny, and great. Just an awesome representation of a character. I thought he and Percy would have made good friends, lol, discounting the whole opposite sides of the line thing. Wish you would come back. You’re John is probably the best one I’ve read or had the pleasure to RP with. Even if it was in a limited amount.

ademoninthesack, Percy and Vincent are the worst-best friends duo ever, you know this right? But the fact that they are friends has led us down some of the funniest paths. Like the time they ran around London in a stolen car actually trying to play GTA: Vice City. Not that they know what the game was, but they were so drunk, so happy…right up until they wrecked and Percy went flying through the window. I am forever going to remember this scene. Just like I will never forget Em and Percy dancing in the zoo and discussing which animals were nicer. Or Em and Percy having any of their fucked up conversations. Its like how you‘ll never forget Percy‘s line “shit on a horse‘s arse.” Future wife, I love you. :D

animus_nocendi, As a fan of Law and Order: CI, seeing Goren use his brains to be bad? Highly amusing. Percy is more or less ambivalent but there is no surprise there. Oh no.

anson_greene, big dumb ox that he is? Ha, he can be a laugh when he wants to be. Anson has a lot to learn about Percy, but if he wasn‘t around I think my muse would be bored. He‘d have no toy to play with! Which may or may not actually be a good thing. Mm. As an Rper you are always so open to the weirdest things, that is great. For I have crackness that is endless sometimes.

artful_goldie, I‘m just going to put all your peoples into one pile, k? Goldie is funny, and cheeky. I love it. The way she and Percy talk is more than insane, but amusing all the time too! She should play with him more, I swear. He kind of wants to adopt her (I wouldn‘t suggest letting him, ask Brody how that turns out).

badbobbybarnes, There are many things to be said about this character. I find him funny in how he deals with Percy. Mostly because Percy keeps trying to get his way, and is never really sure if he has, or if Bobby just wanted to let things go that way. It makes me laugh, so yay! There is always need for more laughing.

baileigh_solis, Baileigh is a hoot! She is very well written, and even though the meme spam is sometimes crazy, I‘d never take her off Percy‘s flist. I love reading about when she‘s happy, sad, and what she gets up to. Yes, yes I stalk your muse. Thankfully I‘m not as crazy as my own. So, go me!

campjesus, The fact that Brody is still kicking around is awesome. We talked a bit a few days ago about the lack of writing (from both of us) and I really hope this turns around at some point. Brody is a great character, funny and full of spirit. At some point I‘ll figure out what to do with Alex and start playing him again. B needs his friend I think. They can be miserable teens together.

draconian_fiend, C, I know you aren‘t going to read this because you are off in ‘I have real life land‘, but HA. You get a mention anyway. I miss Rping with you, Kate does too, btw. We both agree that some RL stuffs is overrated. J/k. However, I do hope life gets better soon. And at some point it would be nice to see you on AIM again. :-P Dork.

galeforcehero, Oh Dorothy, Dorothy, Dorothy. You should come back and write more. She‘s funny, particularly when talking to the undead lot. I was reading old conversations between her and Percy last night, and still laughed. She’s classic, and well written. We miss her, though Percy would never admit it.

immortalsparta, Jaye….you know I have much love for your characters. That goes without saying. I have a certain god that tells me I don‘t let him bug your people enough. Of course whenever I let him out I never get anything else done. :/ He does not share well. Hsu is probably one of the best Highlander OCs ever. His story is one you always come back to reading, even when it gets long. I love him, and his goofy-seriousness :D. And yes, we all know Hermes‘ opinion of his choice of gods.

lenfantperdu, Oh my lovely, the laughing is endless when we play. Serious RP is out the window, which I‘m pretty ok with. RP is supposed to be fun, right? And if you can‘t make fun of our special little psychos, I think we‘d have issues. All things considered. Arsene and Percy really should play more. And I love you forever for making Dante for me, :D. and Arthur? Even when he hates Percy‘s guts? One of the funniest characters I‘ve come across. So determined to spread joy, even to the psychos. I love him.

lust_for_battle, Percy hates Ares, but you know I love you as a player. :D How can you not? I‘m made of fail as far as my RP with you and Mo goes, I know. I think I‘m falling out of love with serious Rpness, though, and would rather just amuse myself with stupid silliness. It is sad, but true. Thankfully, you still love me, right?

macabre_tinted, one question? Wheeeeere have you goooone. The end.

oldestbeloved, Jag my Jag, you are so made of awesome. Sam is funny, and evil, and great. We all know this. But all of your characters have this special little awesome glow about them. I? Am jealous. Yes. Even your goofy ones are leagues above mine. So is your writing. I hope you have a merry little holiday, because I am lame and never IM people to tell them these things. Go me!

omgwtf_dfw, Dor, this isn‘t a muse. But you are on Percy‘s flist, and thus HA, you get a mention. I saw your post a while ago about thanking people, and you mentioned me and like a dumbo I never said anything. But <3. I‘m glad to have Rped with you in the past, present and hopefully future. At some point some of our characters should RP again. I miss your crackdom. Oh I do. I also miss Atia, Eros, Dio, and all your other retired peoples. <3

tm_northstar Because I never think telling someone you never RP with that they are awesome is a waste of time. I still like reading JP‘s stuff. All his drama is better than a soap opera. In every way, and not nearly as over done. I wish you as a player the best during the holiday‘s and look forward to reading more! Oh yes.

weapon_of_lies, Can I just say this character amuses the hell out of me? Thankfully I and Percy are not the same, because well I‘d be a royal bitch then. But this character really is great. Serious, real, and full of fun little drama that never stops. I like reading his post and RP, which is a lot from me. As I get easily distracted by…youtube.

writer_mel, Mel is good, good character. I did feel for her when she lost the baby, and then I thought she’d lost it when she went out with Percy. But at least I was amused! :D I hope you have a great holiday, and keep up the writing! There is sure to be more funny to come!

And now on to people NOT on Percy’s flist, but who have talked to other characters, or I just have seen in passing. :D

lastfirewllrise, You are funny. We talk more ooc than our characters do, you know. Which is fine, it really is. I’m glad we’ve reconnected, because it has been a long, long time since we first ran into each other. Years. Many years. I’ve lived in two totally different states since then! You are great, though, and my wish to you for the holidays is just to let all the OOC bitchiness of others slide right off. Who cares, in the end, what everyone else thinks. I’d go nuts if I was out to be liked by all, seriously. RP is about the fun, not about the pleasing. And you know that conversation, about the comm we were discussing earlier? No one, NO ONE, is ever perfect enough to be anything other than a hypocrite when it comes to the comm. We are all guilty of certain things all the time, and a lot of times I over look things I dislike about characters because I like the players. Which probably makes me the worst of worst in some people’s eyes. But hey, whatever. RP is not serious business. If it were, I’d damn well except to make money for the stuff that goes on around the interwebs. But seeing as I have a RL job I go to for that, I’ll be more worried about real world drama than online. So, again, this Christmas? I hope we can just….ignore the world that has to whine about everything.

mabofwinterdark, While Percy cannot stand her, Mathis adores Mab. And Celeste is just the best friend a German boy could have! I really enjoy playing with you, through the good and bad, and glad to have started talking to you. I hope you have a very merry holiday, and you get all the stuff you want.

_call_me_snake_, Hermes really wants Snake to come have a party with him, haha. You’ve always been a solid role player, which is rare these days. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, and that things are all well with you and your’s. I even promise to get at least one rep in before I leave to do family related thing. Go me.

adam_balister, You make me laugh. I know the holidays are busy for you, and I hope you have a good one! It is very important to have a good one, oh yes. I’m sort of glad you came along, even if your plot bunny still makes me giggle when it comes to Natas and Mathis. This promises to be fun, a lot of fun. *nod nod*

And to all you other people, otherwise not mention, but never really forgotten. May you all have a very, Merry Holiday. I hope each of you get that one thing you really wanted under the tree, and that your day is filled with smiles and joy. And with that, good evening and good night.

All my love,

crossposted to good_rpers_rock. :D


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