
Nov 04, 2007 00:52

Unplanned meetings was always a bit of a thrill for him, particularly if they were likely to involve one of two things- sex or blood, or better...both. Still Arthur was interesting enough, in the sense that the boy had Percy's attention, and so long as that lasted, he was going to remain safely alive ( Read more... )

usa, 2007, new york, arthur, rp

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le_gamin November 4 2007, 19:06:16 UTC
Arthur opened his mouth wide in a yawn. A half a night’s work of unfulfilling sex acts with mediocre clients had left him tired, but not too tired to go round to this supposed vampire‘s place. If anything he was more excited about meeting someone he was actually interested in. Very interested in. One could say ‘intrigued’ even. Leaning his head against the door of the taxi, he closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them again, he found himself to be at his destination and about fifteen dollars poorer.

Vaulting himself out of the cab, he scurried quickly towards the address the man had given him, knocked on the door, and began hopping up and down in an effort to warm himself. It was freezing out. And as tightly as he pulled his coat around himself, it wasn’t going to help that fact that he wasn’t technically wearing any trousers, just a pair of shorts that were far too short to probably be menswear.


silenziosa_odio November 4 2007, 19:14:00 UTC
Percy looked back at the door with a raised brow, before standing in a fluid motion. The door itself opened before Percy got there, the vampire canting his head to the side to watch the boy curiously.

"Cold?" He asked, indicating that Arthur could come in if he desired. "Heh, what happened to your trousers, loose them somewhere?" It was a curious thing, shorts. Percy had never quite figured out what was so appealing about them.


le_gamin November 4 2007, 19:49:45 UTC
‘Oui,’ Arthur replied with great emphasis, stepping inside and ignoring the odd movement of the door. ‘I find trousers to be very overrated. I don’t own a pair that look ‘alf as nice as my legs, I think.’

He wasn’t sure what to make of the way Percy is looking at him. Rubbing his hands together, he grinned and spoke cheerfully. ‘But you will warm me up, no?’


silenziosa_odio November 4 2007, 19:52:37 UTC
"Pour chacune leurs propres moyens." Percy purred, nudging the door closed behind Arthur with a bit of a smile. "Well, you have nice legs. I suppose there is little harm in showing them off."

As for warming the boy up, well that was something entirely more complicated, in a manner.

"I think, I can be, uh...helpful in warming you, yes."


le_gamin November 4 2007, 20:13:10 UTC
Arthur smirked and began speaking in his native tounge, which it appeared Percy knew well. ‘Thank you, sir. I grew them myself.’

He moved closer to embrace Percy, humming softly. ‘Good, I am in need of-’ His cold, bloodless hands suddenly found a sliver of skin as icy as themselves and retracted back to his sides. ‘Ooh, but you are cold too!’ Afraid his sudden reaction might have caused offense, Arthur cocked his head and gave an eager smile. ‘You must have some other plan for me then. What is it?’


silenziosa_odio November 4 2007, 20:23:15 UTC
Percy laughed, shaking his head. Well, that wasn't the first time he had suffered such a reaction. And yes, yes Percy did know French quite well. Though he could not read that language either. He had learned it by necessity.

"Oh my, am I really? Mm, what a shame..." He smirked as he moved around Arthur, a hand sliding over the boy's body in a suggestively seductive manner. "Maybe I should take a bite? Blood has a way of warming me right up." But, at least, he had promised not to kill Arthur.


le_gamin November 4 2007, 20:35:39 UTC
Arthur shivered under his touch, but what he was suggesting made him shiver even more. He still tried to seem game about it; it was terribly thrilling and all, but just more than a little frightening.

Arthur looked him naively in the eyes, hoping to be able to tell if he was gong to lie to him. ‘If you take a nibble of me, won’t I also become…’ He hestated, letting out a soft laugh at asking such a ridiculous question.‘I mean, that’s how it happens in those silly books.’


silenziosa_odio November 4 2007, 20:43:29 UTC
"Takes more than a nibble, love." Percy purred, a hand brushing back Arthur's hair with a smile and tiny, fleeting kiss on the lips. "I would have to take you to near death, your failing, and then you would have to drink of me. I would not do that to you....unless, unless you wanted me to."

Which was probably as good of a promise as you could get.

"I promise not to take much....To God, I promise."


le_gamin November 4 2007, 20:53:49 UTC
Arthur rolled his eyes. ‘Oh yes, to God. I’m sure God doesn’t care about such promises.’

He nibbled his lip. He couldn’t say he hadn’t even fantasized about such a thing. The embrace, the delectable sting as the teeth sink in, the fervent mouth working over his veins, taking him in….he wondered if it would feel as good as he imagined it.

No better time to find out.

‘But if you promise, than yes. It’s in your benefit, really. If you take too much, I won’t have the strength to impress you later, will I?’


silenziosa_odio November 4 2007, 21:11:22 UTC
Percy chuckled, leaning in to lick the soft patch of sick where he would bite if given the chance. Mm. "You're right, God wouldn't care. He doesn't care about anything."

Biting into the soft skin, Percy was as gentle about the whole ordeal that he as he could be. By nature, the bite of a vampire was as painful as it was sexual. A warmth started to spread over his body, though. It started in his chest, and flourished outward. It would not last past the night, but it was enough he supposed. Enough that when he pulled away from Arthur his fingers were warm to the touch.

"There...not so bad, yes?"


le_gamin November 4 2007, 21:38:51 UTC
The amount of pain was surprising, enough to make him cry out. His cry subsided to a moan once he oriented himself to it, trying instead to focus one some of the more pleasant things he was feeling but he found he could no concentrate on any one sensation long enough to adequately give it a name and category in his mind. The effect was so perplexing that it took him a few moments to realize that Percy had finished.

‘No, it…’ He interrupted himself to grab onto Percy’s shoulders, suddenly afraid he might faint. It passed quickly, though. It was the intensity of the experience that overwhelmed him rather than any physical affects caused by loss of blood. ‘No, it was nice. I rather liked it.’

Trying to compose himself, he reached up to rub his neck and put a few strains of hair back into place. ‘Can I have something to drink now? Sometime less sinister please. Water will do, although wine would be nice if you have it.’


silenziosa_odio November 4 2007, 21:52:01 UTC
"Water, wine, I have it all..." Percy smirked as he turned and led the way into the kitchen. There he found some glasses and pulled them out, before finding the wine. If Arthur wanted something from the tap first, he was more than welcome.

"A red or a white, mm? Or would you rather some gin or vodka?" He had a wide collection. Personally he was found of gin, evident by the well used, nearly empty bottle. "I always liked the liquor better."


le_gamin November 5 2007, 01:40:48 UTC
Arthur also prefers liquor, but doesn’t typically like to drink it in the homes of clients as such a thing could lead to unconsciousness, vomiting, or, worse, impromptu acappella performances of Gwen Steffani songs. But Percy’s not a client, is he? No. But he is a man who just drank his blood and, despite promising not to kill him, hasn’t said such a thing is an absolute impossibility. So perhaps its not such a good idea.

While he was thinking this, his mouth moved on its own. ‘Vodka, please. And I don’t need a glass, thank you,’ it said.

Holding the bottle to his lips, he drinks from it until he feels a pleasant flush come over his skin. He leans on Percy, delighted to find his shoulders now feeling nice and warm. ‘You look very pretty tonight. I don’t think I mentioned that.’


silenziosa_odio November 5 2007, 01:51:36 UTC
"I'm glad to hear it," Percy promised, his gin mostly forgotten in the favor of closeness. "And you, you look quite nice yourself." And as if to match words with action, he kissed the man softly on the neck, the cheek.

"Now, about that idea of impressing me?" He chuckled a little, his body pressing a little closer. He was a small man, in the sense that he did only reach five feet, six inches, and he weighed less that he should. But he wasn't inexperienced. And he wasn't above asking for his wants and needs in any manner, lewd or not.


le_gamin November 5 2007, 02:11:34 UTC
Arthur sighed as he feels Percy’s lips move over his skin. He let his head loll back, a small smile on his lips before straightening himself again and taking another pull from the bottle.

‘Yes, about that.’ He dropped a kiss on the petite man’s forehead and smirked. ‘Well, it would be easier to do if I knew precisely what you expect. You think you can help me out with that?’


silenziosa_odio November 5 2007, 02:21:20 UTC
Percy laughed, mostly because it was an usual spot for him to be in. What did he expect? He expected to be pleasured, and relaxed.

"What do I expect? To be pleased, to be relaxed..." He smiled nipping a little at Arthur's neck. "To explore and be explored. It has been a long time for me..."

And he meant it, even as his body started to react positively.


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