Impossible for a plain, yello pumpkin to become a golden carriage...

Feb 05, 2008 19:45


Alex glared at him for a long time, Percy continuing as he always did with sure, firm movements. The vampire didn’t seem to notice his child’s presence which was nearly impossible to believe.

When Percy had returned home the other night, finding Alex stoutly challenging Arsene to one thing or another, the man had been without words. He’d stared dumbly, blinking in disbelief. Alex, after so long, had returned? From where? Why? The questions themselves had been boundless, the vampire knowing a hundred without a way to even begin to form them.

But now he ignored the boy, despite the fact that they were hunting together for the first time in years. His eyes were fixed forward with his hair brushed back and out of his eyes. Alex was but a step behind, barely an inch shorter and golden hair a striking contrast to Percy’s dark demeanor.

“Are you just going to ignore me for fifty years now?” Alex asked finally, boring of their silent game it seemed. “You can’t. You won’t. You need me more than you need anyone else, and ignoring me won’t change that none.”

Percy kept walking, his face impossible to read and his opinions locked away deep within.

“You are being unreasonable!” Alex exclaimed, folding his arms over another and glaring at the back of Percy’s head. The vampire could almost feel the boy’s eyes boring a little hole though his dark locks, looking and prying into his mind.

Finally the blond reached out and snagged Percy’s arm, forcing them both to a stop as he huffed loudly. “Percy,” he said softly, his voice tinged with the sweet promises of a lover, “Il mio cuore,” he ignored Percy’s snort. But he had what he wanted, his Sire’s attention. “Sono tornato a voi, come io ho promesso. Ma abbiamo bisogno di tempo oltre ...”

“Piss off,” Percy grumbled, pulling his arm free and looking at Alex pointedly. “So you did…”

“If it wasn’t for Arseen,” he said the name wrong, smiling at the way Percy’s brow twitched. “You would lavish affection on me. You would have clung to me like-“

Percy cuffed him, his hand snapping out before the younger vampire could finish his statement, before he growled. It seemed liked such a pointless argument. Particularly given the individuals involved. “Don’ kill them. You might be surprised at how it ends.” Which was the closest Percy would come to allotting those around him with some amount of respect. At least for how well they could sometimes defend themselves.

But whatever Alex’s rebuttal, it was lost when their attention was caught by the non-too-subtle movements around them. Thugs? Percy marveled at it, only to frown a moment later. They did not look like street thugs, not at all.

“Have ye lads seen a man,” the man’s accent was thick, and clearly Irish. He stared at them both as he held his hand up, indicating a height, and smiled at them. “He’d be about yay tall, and…” But then he paused, looking closely at Alex and then at Percy himself.

“By the lord,” the other man said, gasping as he pulled out his own gun. “Mic, they’er everywhere.”

Who ‘they’ were was not clear, but the hair on Percy’s neck stood on end. He turned to face them fully, Alex behind him as he tensed. ‘Mic’ pulled out a cross and held it up in the air, spitting out latin that meant nothing to either of them.

“Beast of the night, I send you to God’s judgment. In the name of the Ho-“

“Oh piss off,” Percy said darkly, pushing Alex back as he himself stepped away from the ghost-hunters.

“Sorry, Mate.” Mic said, dropping the cross suddenly and raising his rifle… “I can’t do that. Too many of you bastards around.”

Percy moved before the first shot was fired, Alex crying out in surprise before he turned and ran away from the whole scene. It made sense…Percy had always told him to do as much. But he pushed the thought out of mind as more shots were fired. He snapped Mic’s arm, before spinning into him and planting his elbow into the man’s stomach.

The other fellow was firing now, Percy’s attention shifting as he pushed Mic away and snatched up the fallen weapon.

“Fuck me!” The man cried, firing widely as Percy glared at him and fired….twice.

“Impossible,” Mic’s voice muttered from behind, unsteady legs holding him up as Percy looked from the dying man to the standing Irishman. “Ye should be dead…ye got five bullets in ye.”

Percy blinked, frowning deeply before he fired one last shot at the man’s head. Five shots? Heh.

The vampire dropped the gun, and turned away from the scene. He wished he’d feed before his night had been ruined, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. He hadn’t taken more than four steps when his legs began to wobble, something from inside…starting to…

“AH!” Percy cried out, his right leg giving out as he took shaky breaths. “God…” His face twisted up, pain burning from within as he tried to get to his feet. But with each effort, the more his body revolted against his commands. His arms were shaking as he fell, crying out as he curled into a ball.

”God,” it burned.


William Percy Hastings
word count: 883

damion, alassandro, tm_challenge, pip, rp, usa, 2008, new york

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