
Jan 02, 2008 20:56

He’d practiced his letters, writing them down over and over again. He could sing the song, and he could write them with a shaky hand. But he managed it, through yawning mornings as Arsene slumped over the bed, through head bobbing and tiredness ( Read more... )

anson, usa, 2008, new york, rp

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anson_greene January 6 2008, 01:28:13 UTC
"Yes," Anson says, slightly distracted as he digs in his bag, looking for something. "Lots and lots of silly words." Looking up, he catches Percy's troubled expression and pauses, leaving the contents of the bag for now.

"Hey," he says, turning to face him. He sighs, trying to find the right words to reassure him. "I know this is tough for you, but it's nothing to be ashamed of." He hesitates. "Look, Percy...I never told you this, but I grew up in a...a sort of prison. An institution. I was supposed to see the teacher five times a week but usually it was only twice." He shrugs. "State hospital, budget cuts. It always comes down to money." He looks away for a moment, remembering. "I didn't learn to read until I was almost nine years old. The other kids used to tease me. They were older when they came, and they already knew how. I'd get so frustrated, looking at the books in the dayroom, not being able to read them." He looks at Percy again. "I know it's not easy, but you can do it. It's not your fault you never learned to read, any more than it was mine." He slips his arm around Percy again. "Don't ever be ashamed. There's no shame in needing help, only in refusing to take it when it's offered."


silenziosa_odio January 7 2008, 06:34:16 UTC
"I don' think the offer to refuse was ever extended." Percy pointed out plainly, even if it was. He didn't care, but he didn't like the way Anson went on about it. He just wanted to do it, be done with it, not hear endless around of jovial encouragement. "But if you're done bein' encouraging, I have drinkin' to do."

And with that he lifted the bottle to his lips again, taking a deep swallow before he sighed and leaned against Anson.


anson_greene January 8 2008, 01:51:05 UTC
Percy leans his dark head against Anson's shoulder, the bottle of whiskey cradled in his lap. Anson chuckles and looks down at him. There's genuine affection in that look, and not a little admiration. That's Percy, all right. Honest to a fault.

"I know," Anson says with a sigh. "'Shut the fuck up, Anson'." He grins mischieviously and nudges Percy. "All right, I can take a hint." He rummages in the bag again. "No more heartwarming tales of struggle and triumph against the odds. You don't seem to need it anyway."

He pulls several items out of the bag and sets it down by his feet.

"Okay, you're getting the hang of writing your letters. Now you're ready to start putting them together." He hands Percy a large paperback workbook, opening it to give him a look inside. Each page of the workbook features a different word, simple things like 'dog', 'cat' and 'house', with several blank lines underneath to practice copying out the word. And, as the materials were designed with adults in mind, each object is shown in photograph form, not a cartoon.

"This goes along with it," Anson says, taking a CD out of the sleeve inside the workbook's front cover. He's bought Percy a Discman CD player as well, with earphones, in case he doesn't have one. "See this button here? Just push this to open it, CD goes in like this...push this green button to start the CD going, and the red one to stop. This arrow to move forward, and this one to move back." He glances at Percy. "It'll help you learn what each letter sounds like, and how to blend them together."

He sits back, watching Percy's face carefully, worried about overwhelming him with too much information.

"I think you should keep practicing your letters, but start in the workbook too, as soon as you feel comfortable."


silenziosa_odio January 9 2008, 03:11:58 UTC
"Thanks..." Percy said blandly, rolling his eyes as he stared at the writing book. He flipped the pages a couple of times, and looked at the CD player before snatching it from Anson.

"I know how to use it," he sneered a little. "But thank you for the reminder..."


anson_greene January 9 2008, 04:43:37 UTC
Anson groans inwardly. He should have thought to check and see if Percy had ever used a CD player before he went about explaining how.

"Shit, Percy," he says. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize." He shrugs apologetically. "I can't keep up with that stuff, myself. Arthur got me one of those iPods and I'm still trying to figure out how to work the damn thing." He grins, then leans over and nibbles Percy's ear. "You can spank me if you want..."


silenziosa_odio January 9 2008, 05:52:19 UTC
"Spanking is too tame," Percy sniped. "I'd rather make you bleed, but you don' like that none. So...No. I won'." He smiled, barely, at the way it tickled when Anson nibbled at his ear though. There was something pleasant about it, that was certain.

He took a swig of his drink, and shook his head as he stretched. Mm, he was in need of something exciting. Or so he felt.


anson_greene January 12 2008, 22:24:31 UTC
"I've never done that before."

Anson blinks, surprised. He'd meant to agree with Percy, he really had. He'd intended to laugh it off, change the subject. After all, Percy's right. He doesn't like it.

Does he?

No! his mind shouts immediately. So why does it suddenly seem far too warm in here, despite the usual lack of heat? Why is he suddenly squirming, his cock hot and hard between his legs? There's something in Percy's eyes, in the way his voice drops to a growl. It makes a little frisson of fear flutter down low in Anson's belly, makes him breathe a little faster, makes him remember that this slight boy curled up beside him is not a boy at all. He is a predator, a fierce and ancient creature, willing and able to kill.

It's true what they say, you really are crazy... Anson thinks, but fuck if he doesn't feel alive, his pounding heart and aching cock competing for his single, inadequate blood supply. Percy could kill him, it's true. All it would take is a careless slip, a drop too much...

But he could always kill me. He could kill me right now. He just chooses not to...

He is afraid, yes, his mind filled with images of teeth and knives and blood. But there are other images too. Percy's tongue moving slowly over his skin, lapping at him like a cat, his lips so red. That night on the way to the pub, the way that pink flush raced over his skin, the way his eyes caught fire in the moonlight...

Anson leans closer to him, the books forgotten at his feet. They've been working hard lately. They need a break. Time to get back to...other things.

He nuzzles Percy's neck, his breath stirring the silken black strands.

"We always do what I want to do," he murmurs. "It's time for a change." He sucks Percy's earlobe, then bites it again, harder this time. "Do it," he breathes. "I want you to."


silenziosa_odio January 17 2008, 02:31:21 UTC
Percy's eyes cut a dangerous path across Anson's face as the wrong words were uttered. 'Do it'? Did the man even understand what he was asking? Percy grinned at that, pushing Anson away as he stood and pulled out a switchblade.

"Do what I wan'?" He asked, sliding into Anson's lap like a giddy child, eyes burning with a deeply hidden desire. A flick of the wrist, and the blade popped out like a jack-in-the-box, nicking Anson's face sharply as he vampire leaned into him. "Do you really wan' do that? I could get to be very naughty." And he in no way meant in the sexual sense, either.

His legs straddled Anson's as he shifted back a little, pressing the flat of the blade into the man's face as he licked his lips. Would be so, so easy...

"If I kills you...I'm not goin' to say I'm sorry."


anson_greene January 17 2008, 04:21:45 UTC
Anson yelps, putting a hand to his cheek. His fingers come away smeared with blood. Percy straddles him, his eyes dancing with madness as he holds the blade to Anson's face.

Anson swallows, trying to ignore the insistent throb of his cock. The way Percy's moving around doesn't help any, with his firm little ass grinding against Anson's crotch. Anson's heart pounds as the vampire presses harder, the cold steel blade rapidly warming to his skin.

Very slowly, and very, very carefully, Anson reaches up and wraps his fingers around Percy's wrist.

"Not the face, Percy," he says, trying to keep his voice even. "Not the face. Okay?" He nods and smiles nervously. He tries to force himself to relax, to lower his eyes, hoping the signals he's sending cut through the vampire's frenzy, register with him on some primal level.

Submitting...not resisting...not pushing you away...

"Pretty," Anson breathes. He sits absolutely still, his head tipped back slightly, his free hand gripping the sofa cushion tightly. "You like me that way." He lowers his eyelashes and his voice, whispering to Percy in a smoky growl. "Your pretty pet."

Trembling, scarcely daring to breathe, he waits to see what Percy will do.


silenziosa_odio January 20 2008, 04:45:10 UTC
"You look ready to piss yourself." Percy remarked, giggling a little as he lets Anson move his knife welding hand down. "Not the face, not the face. Phft, why no'? What if I want to make it less pretty? Then no one else would wan' you...No one to take you away..."

Maybe that was what he should have done to Alex. Made him ugly so no one else would steal him away.

Pushing thoughts aside, he tugged at Anson's shirt a moment, contemplating cutting it off as he pulled his other arm free from Anson's grip. But that involved so many extra steps, and he was beginning to become impatient with it all.

"You have too much clothing on..."


anson_greene January 20 2008, 06:04:16 UTC
Anson relaxes a fraction as the knife moves away from his face.

"No one's gonna take me away," he says quietly, his eyes fixed on Percy's. He glances down at the knife, then back up at Percy. "Your pet," he whispers. "Only yours."

He strips his shirt off, shivering a little in the chill. The little voice in the back of his mind is shrieking that this really isn't such a good idea, but Anson ignores it. Raising up just a little, he unbuttons his jeans, then snakes a hand up, cupping the back of Percy's head and kissing him hungrily.

"Where do you want me?" he murmurs against Percy's lips. He ducks his head a little, licking and biting at Percy's neck. "Here, or in the bedroom?"


silenziosa_odio January 21 2008, 02:02:10 UTC
"Why move? I'm right here..." Percy let the knife trail across Anson's chest as he pushed he blade into the skin lightly. Mm, so exciting. He could almost taste the blood, gleeful in his excitement to have it drawn.

He pushed the blade in deeper, letting the knife slip beneath the flesh, cutting at it in a painful manner as he laughed lightly. Oh yes, yes...

"Scream..." Percy purred, a hand reaching out to wrap about Anson's neck. "Scream."


anson_greene January 21 2008, 02:25:23 UTC
Anson tries to be still, holding his breath as the blade trails across his chest. He feels slight pressure and a thin red line appears, barely more than a scratch, really. Percy's eyes follow it, alight with madness and fascination.

The blade cuts deeper and Anson flinches, sucking in his breath. Percy's hand encircles his throat as he pushes the blade in. Scream, he says, and Anson does, crying out in pain. He stares up at Percy, panting, his eyes filled with tears. He clutches Percy's shirt, his hand bunching in the soft material.

"Hurts..." he gasps, his mouth open, trembling as the warm blood trickles down his chest. He is terrified, whimpering low in his throat. "Percy, please..."

He wonders again just what the fuck he was thinking. It's his cock that answers the question. The rest of him may be quailing in terror but that particular part of his anatomy is sitting up and begging for more.

Anson, you sick puppy.

Anson looks into Percy's eyes, hoping to make the vampire see him and not just another piece of warm flesh to be carved up and sucked dry.

"Please," he whispers again. "Careful. Careful, Percy. Don't kill me."


silenziosa_odio January 21 2008, 03:08:53 UTC
"Oh, but you wanted to play little one." He pulled to knife away unkindly as he gave Anson an 'oh please' expression. What ever was the boy's problem. "You want the pain...Maybe I shouldn' be careful, eh? What's careful goin' to do for you?"

His hand dipped down from Anson throat until his fingers brushed over the wound. His pale skin stained red as he drug his black nails into the cut and grinned widely, "I think you need to scream more. And I'll worry about death later." After all...there were worse fates.

He laughed giddily, pulling his hand away, lifting bloody fingers to rub over Anson's lips. "Do you like the taste of blood?"


anson_greene January 21 2008, 03:25:23 UTC
Anson screams again as Percy digs into the cut. He gasps, looking up at the vampire, stunned at the intensity of the pain.

He tries to turn his face away, grimacing as Percy paints his lips with his own blood. The coppery taste fills his mouth and he gags.

"Please..." he begs, tears beginning to leak from the corners of his eyes. "You were right, okay? I'm not strong like you. I'm just human. Fragile." He covers Percy's hand with his, trying to stop him digging in any deeper. "Don't hurt me like that, please. You don't have to hurt me like that to make me bleed." He brings Percy's hand up to his mouth, unfolding it and presses his bloody lips against the soft white palm. "Have mercy on me, Percy, please."


silenziosa_odio January 21 2008, 04:00:47 UTC
"Mercy?" Percy laughed at the idea of it. "Mercy is for the weak. You should beg for more, instead. Make it more fun. Or fight back? Who knows what might come from it, eh?"

Pulling his hand away from Anson's bloody lips, Percy bent down too kiss them, fangs biting into the soft lower lip. Pulling away he giggled a little, lifting his knife up so that he could lick the blood away slowly, cutting his tongue in the slow process of it.


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