Hell in a hand-basket.

Nov 29, 2007 18:29

Do you believe in an afterlife?

“William…” The room was dark, save the dying glow of the hearth when Father Hughes whispered his name, cold hands sliding of his pale flesh. He wanted to pretend to be asleep, not saying anything as he laid there. Still as the night air… “William,” the Father called again, hands sliding lower over his body as the bed creaked.

The fingers that closed around his arm and rolled him, though, felt strange. Nails biting in as he was jerked about…

Screaming, Percy jerked away, falling from the bed as burning fires erupted around him. Father Hughes was no way to be seen as ashes floated about him, rained down soot like snow. Flecks stuck to his face, clinging to lashes as the roaring blaze burned away everything…

“What’s wrong William?”

Turning toward the bed, Percy’s eyes grew wide, his heart beating erratically as he tried gulp at air. Burning…he was drowning in smoke, unable to breathe, as his eyes stared widely as the monster on the bed.

“What’s the matter William? Don’t you know me?” It pulled back its broken, blackened and split lips to laugh, flesh and hair falling to the floor as the body shook… “Come on, William! You killed me! Surely you remember…” Malicious eyes burned with an inner fire as the thing cackled and bleed about the ground, blood sizzling like acid, burning holes into the floor of hell.

“W-H….” He couldn’t speak, as he jerked away, scrambling backward until his hand slipped across a sweat slick and plague ridden body. A scream of pain pierced the night as the boy found his feet…

“William!” The thing cried out, its body crumbling with each forced step, fangs glinting in the fire light.

Everything was a flame…

He looked down at the boy that he had slipped against, before looking out over the sea of screaming corpses. Each cried tears of anguish, as their souls were ripped and sewn together again. Pain…it sounded of endless pain no matter where you ran, pain…

A boy ran by him, laughing merrily as it stopped to look back at him. Golden locks were turned black, cheeks…sweet cheeks, that had been the feast of rats, were rotted and festered with maggots. Bleeding sockets were eyes once had been…


“Hello Percy,” the thing purred, “don’t you want a kiss?”

“Welcome to Hell Hastings…”

“My baby, I just wanted to be with my baby!”

“Fuckin’ bastard! You killed me! You fucking killed me!”

A thousand voices rang out in a chorus. A thousand murders, a thousand wrongings… “Stop it! Just stop it!”


His breathe caught, ears picking out the sweet voice that called his name repeatedly. Like a beacon that demanded it be seen.

“Will…Will….Will…Will, you killed me, Will. You killed me everyday, killed me, sent me to hell. Why? Why Will, why?”

“Stop!” Stumbling back, Percy flung an arm out helplessly, looking for something to catch himself on, hands clawing at his legs as he tired to escape his fate. Hell, he didn’t want to go to hell. God! “God!” He screamed, “God! Where is your mercy?”

“There is no mercy for the wicked…”

Percy jerked awake at the sound of cars slamming into each other, his dark hiding place disturbed by the sounds of life around him. His chest rose and fell like hammers, lip trembling as sweat dripped down his forehead…

No mercy for the wicked…

His head jerked around, looking for the voice of his fears, panic seeded deeply in his heart. No mercy…


Welcome to Hell, Hastings…


William Percy Hastings
word count: 593

dreams, 1960s, hell, tm_challenge, canon

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