Feb 05, 2005 10:31
omg i had sooo much fun at skating. i met Nichole, Phae`s friend. now she`s lyk one of my bestest buddies lOl. nd guess who i saw? BETH!! OMG i haven`t seen her in a whole year. she was lyk one of my bestest buddies last year. nd i dunno if it was just cuz it was dark but her hair looked redish. it was cute. Briana L nd C were there. nd Santa Claus. she took one look at me nd sed "THE HOODIE! YOU BI**H!" haha. Briana L kept picking on Chris V. (again a long lost budd) nd i was laffin. Jennie (yupp another buddie!) was there too! i thynk she has a b/f. *shrug* anyhoo kasia formed a cool people possie nd we went around linked together. i thynk Jp was mad at Nichole for hanging out with us, since he kinda hates us (they were dating at the time). o well sux for him. but Haley had on make up nd she looked soo pretty no lie. straight hair nd make up. very nice. Phae was upset for part of the time. she went running to the bathrooms nd Brianna C nd i followed nd sed "NOO! Phaedra we WILL follow you because we ARE girls" then we stopped running nd looked at eacthother nd sed "yea...we`re girls!" lOl i`m so glad i went. Justin C came too. he made Phaedra feel better. i gave him a hug goodbye along with Huxsoll, Chris, nd all my girlies
SAT`s were this morning. buh-leh. i didn`t get some of the parts at all. lyk i was just thynkin "w...t...f?" nd the onlie people i saw there that i knew were William B nd Jessica W. nd omg i swear this one guy there was reallie hott. he was a senior though so i had NO chance. blonde hair. blue eyes. great smile lOl
i`m gunna go i`ll edit this later if i forgot anything my Mom TiTi nd Vicki shood be here soon byeZz