(no subject)

Mar 01, 2004 12:46

What would you do if...

...you retired to your bed only to find your pillows missing?: bunch some clothes up and sleep
...you saw a stranger drop a dollar in the middle of a crowded sidewalk?: pick it up and tap him on the shopulder and say 'thanks for the dollar'.
What if no one was looking?: well id do the same damn thing.. minus the talkin to him part
...you saw someone choking in a crowded restaurant?: laugh my fucking ass off
...someone waved at a guy behind you but you were mistaken and waved back?: pretend to be stretching or somthing.
...some kid pushed past you in line?: id say 'BITCH, get the fuck behind me'
What if his parents were with him and didn't stop him?:
id make a noise like 'ugh'
...you stepped on gum and knew who dropped it?: walk up to them and scrape my shoe down their pants
...all your clothes were in the wash and you had to go out?: wait for a while or wear dirty clothes =D
...a robbery was taking place?: id help them as long as there was somthing good for me
...you were witnessing a poor schmuck getting mugged by one big fella?: laugh
...you saw a wandering child on railroad tracks with a train coming?: laugh
...the power went out right now?: laugh
...the power went out and you lost all your answers?: BE MAD >:O i ALWAYS lose my shit
...you were caught in the middle of a gunfight with no weapon?: stand there n let em shoot me

What would you do if...

...you looked up in the sky and saw a bomb crashing down at you?: laugh
...your pant suddenly caught on fire and you couldn't put it out?: laugh
...animals could talk?: stop doing some of the bad stuff i do when i babysit
...suddenly all your clothing turned 80% transparent?: cry
...animals started talking to you?: talk back to them
...someone superglued your feet to the ground?:laugh
And if the building you were in was caught on fire?: laugh
And if at this opportune moment your pants combusted and caught on fire?: Laugh harder
...you had a remote control for life?:DELETE DELETE DELETE CANCEL CANCEL
And if somebody wasted the batteries so you could only push one button?: get some more batteries
...the alphabet song became a number one hit single?: if it were by Britney spears id lOVE IT
And if all your friends were buying the CD?: id be like neat now they all like her too!
And if it had a catchy beat?: ...id like it?
...you woke up to find all your feet apparel gone and you had to go out?: SLIPPERS!
...pink became the "new white"?: Pink is fucking awesome
Last Two Questions
You have a monkey, his name is Bob, what do you do with your monkey?: make him kill people and be my slave
I came crashing into your house asking you to "join the resistance"?: i would do it
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